(I'm not Czech, I just live there, so please don't write in Czech unless it involves numbers or food. That's about all I've learnt...!)
Hello from Prague! Long time lurker, first time (sort of) poster.
Little bit about myself, copy pasted from my profile because it's late and I'm lazy: Game Designer, classic rock lover, cricket fan, closet Kerbal, alleged cook, Swede-in-training. Ex Danish pastry raider.
Love KSP to the point where I'm often found playing it late evenings in the office and am looking forward to 1.1 with the stability it'll bring to 64-bit KSP and the horde of mods I am compelled to play with!
I'd also like to mod KSP, however it feels too much like my job. If anyone can think of a mod request that will motivate me enough to do it, I would definitely consider it.