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  1. So I've started a new game after a long absence to test out the latest update, and when trying to make a spaceplane for the survey missions I'm having very little luck. I think I'm doing it mostly right from what I remember such as COM and COT aligned, COL just higher and behind the COM etc. and as best I can see I've put the wheels straight. The problem I'm having though is when I'm trying to go along the runway, the plane is veering off to one side and blowing up. This is happening about 5-10 seconds in, and dropping my acceleration doesn't seem to do much to help it. Any insight or help as to why this is happening would be really appreciated.
  2. Thankyou very much guys, some amazing information here, going to test this all right now. Thanks again!
  3. Sorry if I sound a little stupid, but by elevators does that mean the two fins at the back? Everything is set to pitch, yaw and roll. Should it not be?
  4. My plane is stable on the runway which is nice, but the oversteer is ridiculous. I tap the key and it does a flip. When taking off it's far from a gradual incline and more like a backflip too. Everything is symmetrical of course and the engine that's obscured from view in the middle of the main shaft at the back is a weasley, with the basic engines on the four attached tanks. http://tinypic.com/r/2h6vhiq/9
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