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  1. I'm sorry but I read "how to post issues" from link above, but I doesn't find where I have to post it. Also I can't find your issue tracker. If you don't mind I post it here: KSP: 1.0.5 Windows 32bit Problem: Science storages doesn't work. When I right click on any science storage no context menu appeared, so I can't start the experiment. Mods installed: Module Manager 2.6.13 DMagic_Orbital_Science-1.0.8 Universal_Storage- Reproduction steps: Build the simple craft with command pot, US core and any Science storage. Launch the craft and try to start experiment from US science part. Log: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=7E60F22F596C8158!39309&authkey=!ABV7LsKG14K6hXo&ithint=file%2ctxt
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