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Everything posted by Morgasm92

  1. https://twitter.com/Maxmaps/status/545828348866613248
  2. Sooo just to clarify, you can just sort of chat and see each other while you play, but aren't actually in the same game?
  3. i had a dream recently that i had to construct a craft to get to work on. Hahaha
  4. so i have only search Kerbin so far, but my detectors haven't managed to spot a single source of kethane around the equator. Is this normal?
  5. just reloaded the same exact rocket, and they are working now. No idea. Thanks for the reply
  6. This is my first time playing the latest version of KSP, and as i was coming in for a dock, i realized my RCS thrusters failed :/ So i reverted my flight back, and added in batteries and solar panels, yet they still don't work. I of course have them turned on and more than enough fuel. The only addon i have is the kethane mod. Any ideas?
  7. My rover works perfectly on Kerbin, so i wouldn't think that the gravity difference in Kerbin and the Mun would have much of an affect on how it worked. However when i start driving on the mun, my craft rolls all the way forward and then starts spinning like it's trying to break dance or something. Amusing i guess, but not what i want. It seems like when i try to drive forward my rover is actually trying to pitch + roll as an aircraft would. Idk, any ideas?
  8. Looks good on my end! be patient, a fix will be out shortly
  9. That\'s probably my favorite mun base i\'ve seen
  10. Yes i considered that aswell, but during my launches there was never any shaking going on that i could see. I tried the struts anyway and they appear to have solved the problem. I\'ll add the craft file if people still want to troubleshoot it anyway (seeing as how i was only having that problem while on the trajectory screen and slowing down to x1 speed) P.S. And now i finally got it to the mun ....landing legs are a bit shorter than anticipated however
  11. Absolutely. If you could just explain to me how to do that =p Also, it seems they only break apart after i go back to x1 speed
  12. Yes but without those engines i will be coming in way too hot to land
  13. yeah you can see in the screenshot i have tried. But those engines are so small you can even fit a strut on them
  14. Sure they look small and fragile, but i\'d imagine it would still take SOME impact to knock them off... I have my lander on top of my rocket, and every time i start to get myself into orbit, i press \'m\' to check my trajectory and hear a slight sound (sounds like a stage breaking off) and i switch back to my rocket to see my lander\'s rockets drifting behind me Why is this happening? i did 4 launches and it happens every time. is this a bug, should i not stop to press m? lol
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