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Posts posted by kurdain

  1. Yes that's it, although I have both tweakscale and fuel switch, wonder how stable it will be.

    I have several science mods and I have yet to explore the outer planets and their moons, Urlum, Niedon and Plock, I have everything researched including parts from about 40 other mods, and I have over 10k science with nothing to use it on.

    Thought this might be an alternative.


    Thank you again.

  2. Quite a while ago I ran across a mod that allows you to spend science to upgrade existing parts, modules, engines, etc. . . 

    However for the life of me I can't remember what it was called and searching for obvious terms hasn't resulted in me finding it.

    Would anyone know what this mod is off the top of their head?

    Thank you,


  3. 2 hours ago, NecroBones said:


    Yep, should be fine. I only updated the mods that needed specific changes.



    There's a lot of strange stuff going on with landing legs since they were revised in KSP. Unfortunately it's not clear how to make them work 100% the way we want. It's one of those things that may require some on-going effort to tune them. Sadly. What I did on the spikey SpaceY legs is that I removed the suspension, and so they deploy rigidly. I could always do that with these too, but I would hate to lose those shock absorbers.

    Yeah well,

    Last night I landed on Duna, 100? ton lander with 4 of the medium litho legs, I forget the name sorry at work can't look it up. Landed on a mild slope, and I mean nearly flat mild, and it took off like a toboggan. I ended up using RCS to stop sliding, jumped out did my science, swapped to the lander, stopped the slide again w/rcs, then back to the kerbal and then ran like hell to catch the lander before it got going too fast again. 

    I've tried lowering the suspension values but it's hard to adjust for every planet/moon and in my experience it hasn't mattered at all, it just gets all squishy while sliding all the same.

    It might be cheating but would it be easier to modify the values of the KSP stock legs and reskin? I don't have the issue with those even at 200% or 300% scale they just get really heavy. :(

    I am on 1.1.3 still with your older build for that version, if that helps at all.

  4. BTW the lights lighting up from orbit was around in 1.1.3, I am still on 1.1.3 and I see it all the time.

    I have another question, and I didn't read through all 7 pages so apologies up front if it was addressed...

    When I land using any of the new landing legs they slide around like roller skates, even on the most slight of inclines it is easy to exceed1 or 2 m/s just sliding along, so much so that at times my 'chutes stay deployed.

    I do not have this issue on the same landers with stock legs or the spiky SpaceY legs. I really like the legs because they fit well into some of my taller landers.

    I've tried lowering the spring/rebound settings but that just makes it squishy and it slides anyways.

    Have you seen this?
    I could probably record a snippet if you have a spot to put it.

    What more information can I provide?


  5. On 10/19/2016 at 5:55 PM, Just Jim said:

    I ran into the same problem when I upgraded to 1.2, but with some of my ships. I have a ship type I named raptors:


    I had 5 of them going when I upgraded. Now all of them are gone, and the crews are listed as KIA.

    I'm also using just a few mods... but this particular ship was stock!

    I can't afford to lose 18 of my best people, so I'm starting my career over.

    You could just go into your save file, search for your missing Kerbals by name and change their status to AVAILABLE and save the file.

    They'll be back and healthy at the astronaut complex.

  6. I've had this issue ever since I started playing KSP back in 0.9 something.

    It's almost exactly 10 seconds the game pauses for a split second, super annoying in build mode because you end up grabbing something random instead of a new part.

    I've never figured it out...

    I play heavily modded BUT I want to say I was having way back when I only had a handful of mods installed.
    It's been too long since I've played stock to remember, I just live with it.

    I'm still on 1.1.3...too scared to update because I have all the mods and tons of crafts on missions, bases, satellites...
    I should also add I am on 64-bit, I got the stutter on 32-bit and the old 64-bit hack trick nyan cat thing.

  7. 7 hours ago, kurdain said:

    I haven't been able to see the links in this thread either, other threads seem fine as far as I can tell.

    At work I've tried current versions of Edge, I.E. and Chrome (with and without ad blocker).
    At home I've tried current version of Chrome (with and without ad blocker)
    This affects all TEX's images in the thread, even TEX's signature. :(

    Trying to open the imagine in another tab or window results in the following:

    Tex's Sig:

    Not Found

    The requested URL /ksp/KerbOil.png was not found on this server.

    Apache Server at tex.texel.com Port 80

    First image in thread, all the same though:

    Not Found

    The requested URL /ksp/circulartutorial01.png was not found on this server.

    Apache Server at tex.texel.com Port 80

    Can someone else try posting a picture and see if it's a thread or host issue?


    TEX your pictures and links are the only one's that are broken for me.
    See this thread for instance:

    foamyesque pictures directly under yours loads fine, as does n.b.z. above yours.
    Can it be some sort of bandwidth or host limitation issue that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't but you are ALWAYS able to see them because they are your files?

    Just a thought since it seems to affect only your imagines, including your signature, at least on my end.

    I really would like to see the images!


    I tried last night at home and I got the above issues and obviously as posted I got them all day at work on multiple browsers.
    I tried again when I got home and no images.

    I watched Star Trek a bit and came back to play KSP and reloaded the page, BAM PICTURES!
    Chrome Version 53.0.2785.143 m (64-bit), it's updating right now though (LOL) and I have Ad-Blocker Pro running.

    I think there is more going on that other peoples browsers at it seems intermittent, hopefully you can use whatever I posted to help.
    I'll try again at work tomorrow, I hate mysteries :P

  8. I haven't been able to see the links in this thread either, other threads seem fine as far as I can tell.

    At work I've tried current versions of Edge, I.E. and Chrome (with and without ad blocker).
    At home I've tried current version of Chrome (with and without ad blocker)
    This affects all TEX's images in the thread, even TEX's signature. :(

    Trying to open the imagine in another tab or window results in the following:

    Tex's Sig:

    Not Found

    The requested URL /ksp/KerbOil.png was not found on this server.

    Apache Server at tex.texel.com Port 80

    First image in thread, all the same though:

    Not Found

    The requested URL /ksp/circulartutorial01.png was not found on this server.

    Apache Server at tex.texel.com Port 80

    Can someone else try posting a picture and see if it's a thread or host issue?


    TEX your pictures and links are the only one's that are broken for me.
    See this thread for instance:

    foamyesque pictures directly under yours loads fine, as does n.b.z. above yours.
    Can it be some sort of bandwidth or host limitation issue that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't but you are ALWAYS able to see them because they are your files?

    Just a thought since it seems to affect only your imagines, including your signature, at least on my end.

    I really would like to see the images!

  9. Not sure where to edit but....

    Sounds about right to me, if you come in real steep with a heavy lander or re-entry vehicle you'll run out of room to slow down.

    Drag chutes set to open at 5km help but I personally love the ballutes mod for this.

    I am not sure if the RSS mod changes atmosphere though, but again your description sounds about right to me for Kerbin.


    Hyperedit mod makes it easy to modify planet values from atmosphere height, density, gravity, etc... but it's basically cheating.

  10. So I had several sub-assemblies that I have been using for a while, now suddenly today I get the 'Generator Shutdown: No reactor available".
    There clearly is a reactor available, it is connected directly to the thermal generator, nothing in between. These were working assemblies until today.
    This seems to affect all the FISSION style reactors, Garnet, F.L.A.T., Excaliber, Prometheus.

    I put a molten salt reactor on it and the generator works.

    I noticed that there was some sort of file that Steam updated today, CKAN shows no mod updates.
    All I can see is that Steam downloaded something for KSP, I can't tell what.

    Did something get patched today that disabled the ability of fission reactors to generate power with the thermal generator?
    I think I see the fission reactor generating electric charge, but no megajoules due to the generator disabling itself. 





  11. Making the journey is no problem, my craft seems fine.

    I am using KAC to set the alarms, click on the x-few window button, select Sun as parent, Kerbin as the body, set alarms for all.

    I then notice that when I launch, either manually or using MJ, or when setting up the x-fer in orbit using MJ, the transfer node window is months or years out depending on the body I am going to, seems like I missed the window.

    I noticed recently that after a while KAC just drifts. 
    i.e. I set up x-fer window alarms using the method above. I run a few local contracts, tourists to Mun and stuff. After a month or so I went and set up another batch of alarms, they were all off by a little over a day or so.
    So maybe KAC isn't good at forecasting x-fer windows more than a month or so out?

    I don't remember this being the case in the past, but again it's been a while and i just got back into KSP.


  12. Hello,

    Having an issue with KAC and transfer windows.

    Basically KAC transfer window and node editor for the transfer is not matching up in any way.

    i.e. I've noticed when I set an alarm for a Kerbin to another planet and come back to that alarm, say 5 days prior to set-up the launch to orbit, mechjeb or the maneuver node says the window is months or years away. i thought initially I was missing the window, or had the wrong parent body select in KAC, but it's been consistent.

    So to try to clarify better:

    I set an alarm for Eve.
    KAC says x-fer window in 100 days.
    I do things...Mun launches, satillites, whatever.
    5 days prior I get ready, make or verify my rocket.
    Launch pad, Launch guidance, launch at window, 1 year plus wait for window!
    Launch now anyways, get into orbit, mechjeb transfer to planet, 1 year plus wait for window! 
    Eyeballing the planets and they 'seem' about right.
    X-fer now results in reasonable D-V, it seems anyways.
    I hit recalculate on KAC and it shows 1 year plus...

    It seems the launch window is drifting on long wait times for windows? I don't remember this being an issue in the past.
    I have a lot of mods, but I don't think any would affect this except Kopernicus?



  13. This might be the wrong place to ask but I am having an issue with getting off of Eve. I used to do it in the past, things have changed since I last played and I am playing this time with A LOT of mods, it's been fun.

    However it seems Eve is made of velcro. Unless I use SRB's I can't get off of the ground, this only happens on Eve.

    If I get even 50 meters off the ground my LFO rockets lift the craft just fine, I've ensured I've had over a 1.7:1 TWR according to mechjeb. It's gotten so bad I am using Hyperedit to try craft as apparently I am getting 'stuck' in the ground and waiting hours for a seemingly bugged failed Eve return is frustrating.

    Is mechjeb returning VERY wrong results?

    Is there a known mod to cause 'sticky' ground or are modded rockets like cryoengines reporting very wrong TWR on Eve? (which seems weird because as soon as I get off the ground I can ignite them and accelerate just fine).

    I built a stock lander and it appeared stuck too, put a small SRB on it and again as soon as I got a few meters off the ground the LFO's (the early 1.25m one that has good gimbaling - at work can't recall the name) were able to take it up. I then tried again and left it on the ground, full throttle, until all the fuel was spent, ended with over 2.5:1 TWR towards the end and the lander never budged.


    if this is the wrong spot please move this post but the thoughts here seemed relevant.



  14. Hello,

    I've had some troubles with parts from this mod, specifically parts disappearing. I've searched around and I see some other people having similar issues but I haven't seen any fixes or conclusive information on what could be causing it.

    Basically I have noticed that the Magnetic Nozzle and Orbital Supercollider have vanished from the VAB in career mode; probably other parts as well but I have noticed these 2 things for certain.
    I know for certain that the parts were researched and purchased, because I had vehicles with these parts that suddenly became invalid.
    This didn't appear to be related to any specific update.
    Sometimes the part will come back for a time then vanish again.
    The parts appear and function just fine in sandbox mode.
    I am running in 64-bit mode, but I feel this isn't a factor.
    I have a lot of mods, I can list them if needed.
    I've tried reinstalling KSPI without success.
    I've wiped all mods, reinstalled without success.

    What other information and I provide that could help you to help me?

    Thank you,

  15. I messed with it until late last night.

    All my missions are gone, the Kerbals that were assigned to those missions are lost, which I fixed editing the save file.
    I reinstalled Kopernicus after this and it installed fine and the buildings react fine.

    I still do not have access to all the parts with the KSPI mod, some parts are available some are not, not sure why. I will look to that thread for answers.

    All my research remains, research history shows my missions and what-not to all the planets and moons.
    Contracts and mission control has no history.

    KAC and game clock shows I am back at year 1 day 1.

    Hopefully someone will find this info useful or has insight. At this point with my Kerbals and Science intact I can rebuild, I just need to figure out the disappearing parts thing.

  16. Hello,

    I am running a lot of mods, and the 64-bit hack, I've had zero problems until now.

    A little back ground first: I noticed that, at seeming random, parts would disappear. i.e. the magnetic nozzle vanished from my list of parts available (career mode) even though it was researched and purchased. It would appear in sandbox mode.

    I never used it so I thought oh well, I am sure this happened to a few other parts I never noticed.

    Last night the orbital super-collider from another mod vanished from the available parts in the VAB, rendering the space station core **invalid**. Again parts bought, researched and in this case used.

    So I thought I would drop all my mods and reinstall, this went fine CKAN yay and resinstalled the exact same set of mods.
    I stupidly did a Steam Validate and it wiped out me 64-bit mod so I redid that.

    I can load up my save file and my game loads just fine. I can enter any building but I can not exit! I can't even exit the game. I can do whatever I want in said building, like if I was stuck in the research building I can look around, buy/research stuff or the contracts building I can browse and accept/deny contracts...I just can't leave. I can not leave the game either, I can get the system menu to appear but none of the buttons work.

    I started a new game and I poked around for about 2 minutes and it seemed fine.

    I checked my persistent file and my buildings were still set to 1 so I don't think that's it.

    Any ideas on how to fix this without starting over again?

    Meanwhile I am going to poke around and see what I can find.



  17. I searched around in this thread but didn't find the exact bug I am having, I could have missed it.


    When I purchase the magazine for the pulse engines as the FIRST part by itself and place it down it costs 37,864 (39,000 - 3% career bonus thing from the administration building). Seems fine as the advertised price in the parts list says 39,000.

    If I move the part, attach it to any other part or any part to it, or add it anytime other than the 1st part in a build then the price goes to over 9.7 million!

    How do I fix this and what do you require from me to help you help me?


  18. On 12/20/2015 at 8:50 PM, CrimsonSun said:

    Ok, so after 30 minutes or so of playing the game crashes. The crashing oucurs when i recover a ship or revert a flight.

    Had the exact same issue, I was running out of memory.

    I did the x64 hack and the x64 unfixer and I haven't crashed at all.

    Start up the game, look at your memory usage after say, 10 or 15 minutes. If it's anywhere near 3.5 GB you are most likely running out of addressable memory due to the game being a 32-bit game.

    It's worth a look and it is simple to do.

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