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Everything posted by Sanfonic1

  1. I'll try the dev build and see if things have changed
  2. @eberkain Vessel's controlled by RT will not respond to any action or respond in any fashion. I only noticed this issue recently when I deployed a mission to Mun to set up a ComSat network an realized after decoupling and burning for a return orbit to Kerbin that none of the satellites would respond to controls or commands. The satellites in question have a clear link to the network around Kerbin.
  3. Hey guys I'm having issues with RT working in the latest KSP update. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mDKag43Xt26nGvmGo02ob6XcMIxqW98BYNjJx34Qzr8/edit?usp=sharing Here's the list of mod's I've installed
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