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  1. Even if you put your satellite in the correct orbit right after it passes Ike, the game will predict the next run by Ike and thus won't show a complete orbital circle. Thus making it not trigger the mission success condition. edit: It seems to have worked after all. Still it took me 10x the normal time to get the orbit right (and the satellite immediately got yanked afterwards). The game should really avoid putting satellite mission orbits near moons.
  2. I got a mission to put a satellite in an orbit of Duna that unfortunately tracks closely the orbit of Ike (but in the opposite direction). No matter what, in less that one orbital period the satellite gets yanked by Ike. The mission is not impossible to complete, with a lot of trial and error, but it is obviously not working as intended. Google searching kerbal impossible mission shows that people have been encountering this problem for years. Here is Ike along with the mission's required orbit: https://gfycat.com/MadDismalBlackfish
  3. So I put a probe with a M700 Survey Scanner in a circular polar orbit of the Mun at a 30 km altitude. I am able to successfully do an orbital scan and see the purple overlay on the Mun. Going to map view and clicking the "Resource" icon on the right of the screen, under the "Surface" tab, shows Ore at 1.7%. However, when I go back to the Space Center, into the Tracking Station, set my focus to the Mun, and click the "Resources" icon, it says, "No resource data available You will need to perform an orbital survey first." Is this working as intended? Are you just never supposed to be able to see the purple overlay (or any resource information) from the Tracking Station?
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