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Everything posted by TheJay15

  1. I went back to stock and it seems like FAR is now just a sort of "hardcore mode" as the stock physics are perfectly fine just more forgiving.
  2. Yeah i dont seem to have the problem with the larger rockets just the small ones. I built a larger rocket and got a beautiful launch with multi stages. Even did a moon orbit, my first one outside the tutorial! I'm now really considering uninstalling FAR but does it make the B9 aerospace parts not work specifically the procedural wings as I really like using them to make aircraft and would hate to see them go.
  3. Thank you for the advice it's good to know I'm not the only one who has the flipping problem. It may have just been an issue with the rocket being so tiny that I couldnt really alter the COM too much. also the goo capsules at the top probably didnt help. The reason I am using FAR is because I always hear how awesome it is and also I want to use B9 parts including the procedural wing but their page reccommended FAR for it to function properly so I installed it. I kinda assumed from what I'd heard that everyone used FAR.
  4. I was unaware that career mode was "hard mode" I assumed that it the standard game mode. I am trying to figure out why my rocket begins to tumble as soon as it enters its second stage despite no asymmetrical drag and it flying perfectly fine before.
  5. anything I make with FAR is incredibly unstable and cant get anywhere near orbit even with SAS enabled. I'm playing career mode and trying to make a rocket that is more complex than just a CM and a booster but everytime the rocket enters the 2nd stage it begins flipping and disintegrating. Its really krakening me off and Im thinking of uninstalling FAR because of this as it is really sucking all of the enjoyment out of the game.
  6. I was messing around with the debug menu in FAR and i shrank all of the boxes in the middle page on the menu which caused it to become a grey box with a tiny black and white box in the upper left hand corner can someone please help.
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