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    Um, except for being a nerd you mean? XD I surf and play quad hockey...

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  1. Ah, that must be it. I deleted a bunch of mods and probably CRP too because it's not there. Thanks, I'll retry with and get back to you. Do you still want the logs?
  2. Yeah, I have MM 2.6.24. And what do you mean which profile? :\
  3. Uh, hey. This has probably been mentioned before, but I have 4 * big oxygen tank and 4 * oxygen tank, connected with fuel lines to each other and to the crew capsule of three kerbals with the scrubber running and enough EC, and they still suffocate in around a minute. What can I do and why is it happening?
  4. Oh yours is tiny in relativity! I put a huge lab on wheels, pretty much... no traction whatsoever... The thing is, I wanted a rover, not a rocket! XD
  5. Got to duna, first try! Duck yeah!

  6. Yeah, me too... happened to me a bit ago XD Dang It high five! No? No? OK. Sorry.
  7. It's slightly off topic but my literature teacher's last name is Kerman. 0u0 *still trying to convince myself she isn't dead*
  8. I put a rover on minmus, one of the biggest wastes of time ever XD just slipped around without really touching the ground... I land on the mun/minmus fairly well, my rendezvous is satisfactory, and got two ships on the mun 100 meters of each other. Also fine at hopping, made a mun base like that. I'm planning a big refuel post for LKO and a duna base, and just got my orbit only probe to duna today for the first time, first attempt too (scanning for potential base locations). I've got most of kerbin scanned and a nice geostationary network... And a heap of failed SSTOs. ~envying y'all~
  9. Got my first probe to Duna! First time there ^^ Did a bunchload of of Dmagic science for the fun of it (Sandbox lol, no calculations neede haha...never was good at career anyway and maths suck XD ) and then I realized I have only the big RT dish and nothing for regional communications haha... Screw that I'll send kerbals up there and hope they can manage by themselves Flying the Kerbal way FTW
  10. Was about to ask where i can get it other than KS. But, if it's now available as the only source of the updated version of the mod, wouldn't that make it not- pre-release?
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