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Everything posted by Derfel99

  1. Uh... say what? 1- I never said I would review the game, I said that that bleeped tutorials might lead to bad reviews. 2. Simple instructions? What the bleep is that supposed to mean? The tutorials are wrong, do not function, they are as dead as the proverbial parrot. If I or anybody else follow the instructions the mission will fail, so who's "fault" is that, the user or the writer? Incidentally if you read the thread you'll see that my impression of the tutorials are confirmed by veterans of the game so it's not a question of my impressions, in fact the developers themselves admit that the tutorial need an overhaul (see NathanKells Dev Notes). 3. In conclusion; feel free to expire.
  2. Fellow Carbon-Based Beings, Thank you for info, comments and encouragement, greatly appreciated. Totally get that, different folks and all that. Just goes to show you're a more persistent sort of person than I am. Hey, I didn't even know there was an update in the works, let a lone dev notes. I just a newbie whining about the training missions. Agreed, not easy. In my experience that sort of job need a lot of input from a bunch of people because an explanation / demonstration that is blindingly obvious to one person can be completely bewildering to another.. It will be interesting to see if the Devs have the time and energy to completely overhaul them or just spot-fix the broken bits. As I mentioned above, I might try my hand at creating something really simple for fellow Newbies to get started, I have approached my engineer friend and threatened...er.. persuaded him to assist me (in fact he describes his role as "Cowpilot and technical insultant") so something might emerge during January or February. And Finally; Mattasmack Yeah, I do know what a Cuckold is, I watch Game of Thrones. I was just trying (and failing) to be funny. Incidentally; in my native language if your Cockle is anywhere near your heart, you have a serious deformity. Happy New Year to You All!
  3. Hi, again. Thanks to you all for answering, it warms cuckolds of the heart... whatever a cuckold is.. Plusck, you're a true sport, thanks a million for your effort, I feel a lot better knowing that it really isn't me... well, at least not just me... So; we've established a/ the Training Missions supplied with the game are bleeped and probably won't get un-bleeped for a long time. Believe me, I understand this completely, this aint my first rodeo with this here Computer Gaming stuff, in fact I'm an old fart who started playing games on the Amiga (Google it, youngster) about... oh... a million years ago. I even got involved in computer game design before I decided that there were better and more lucrative ways to give myself a brain haemorrhage. So, I totally understand the dilemma of the small, indie developer. You can't do everything, in fact generally you can at best do is 10% of the things you want to do. But; there are do's and don'ts even for small developers. One of the dont's is Do Not Publish Anything That You Know Is Fatally Flawed. I'm not talking about bugs, all systems have bugs, you can't squash them all. No, in this case it's a matter of removing something fairly unessential to improve the customers experience or at least reduce their frustration levels. Again; IMHO NO Training Missions are better than Bleeped Training Missions. b/ There is a large, highly competent user group out there that could probably with very little effort create a few up to date training scenarios in place of the existing ones .A link in the main menu that to-day point to the Training Missions would be all that's needed after that. Alternatively as Mattasmack suggest, you point the eager Newbie to a video (in the best of all worlds an updated one) and then on to a "Training Career". So, will anything get done? Well, I find myself intrigued by all this. Maybe, as I slowly pick up the basics I could create something really, really simple and easy for incoming Newcomers to cling on to instead of the Bleeping Training Missions. Perhaps by shamelessly raiding the materials that already exist, updating and if possible expand on them. Who knows, it is after all, the season of miracles... Snark, you were absolutely right about the forum and the people on it. Helpful and kind to the newbie indeed. As it happens my part of the world is just now minutes away from Christmas Eve so I'll end by wishing each and every one of you happy holidays and safe landings.
  4. Thanks for the input! I do know what you mean, the satisfaction of finding things out for yourself can be very... er... satisfying... That sort of "Oho, so THAT'S how the milk got into the coconut" moments are indeed much of the power of a good simulation of this type. However, if the journey of exploration is not to find out how things work, and then apply that to the rest of the game, but to find out that they don't work with no way of knowing why or how to fix it. Then I would say you get much of the opposite effect. Which was really my point; unplayable Training Missions are worse than no Training Missions. As for having another go before the updated version arrives, with. hopefully, updated training Missions. I probably will mess about a little, but it's daunting when you know that the support you will need, that I will need at least, is at best intended for version 1.0 and usually a lot more out of date than that. I don't mean the physics bit, I doubt the Celestial mechanics will change with version 2.0 (hmm... then again...) but all the stuff you really don't want to waste time on figuring out; I don't mind fussing with getting a capture orbit working, I do mind not knowing which of the ruddy little toggles in the maneuver node controls what or why the symbols suddenly change colour. (Just an example, I have figured out what most of those things do, thanks to the Training Missions that did work) I suppose I could summarize my feelings by saying that I don't mind spending time figuring out how the universe works (well, the Kerbal universe anyway) but I do mind spending time figuring out how the basic functions of the UI work. In any case I appreciate your encouragement, and I do live in the hope that one day I too will build a rocketship that will take those little guys to the edge of the system, and possibly myself to the edge of insanity.
  5. Thanks for answering! Much appreciated. Yeah, I figured something of the sort, but to my mind having faulty training Scenarios is actually worse than having no Training Scenarios as the frustration might cause people to drop the game and possibly curse it a bit in various places (Steam review section for instance), which really would be a shame considering the awesomeness of the game. Disabling the Training Missions and attaching a simple note that explain that they will be back once they are updated might well have been a better solution than just leaving them as is and allowing new users to give themselves brain hernias trying to complete them. If you don't mind my asking, is this why a lot of the user-created stuff is also un-updated to 1.0.5? I noticed a huge fan effort have gone into creating everything from articles to mods, but relatively little is up to 1.0.5 standard. Surely, with the enormous pool of talent out there, as evinced by the community created materials, a little project of creating a few alternative 1.0.5 Training Missions properly annotated would not be impossible? Anyho; I guess I'll park this on the shelf for a while and see if the new version appears and if it's more Newbie friendly. Thanks again for your courteous answer.
  6. Hi all, This will bit a bit of a rant, the questions are at the end, fell free to scroll. Newbie here, love the concept, would really like to get stuck in. Like any serious student I look for the textbook / manual, ok, no manual but a huge Wiki, Great! Most of the stuff only about older versions of the game, not so great, but hey... Right, how to proceed? Training missions obviously, the way to learn and get a feel. So, I've gone through the training missions and... well, I promised myself no expletives... So, the first 2 work. The others don't. I won't say too much about the clipped instructions that leave out a solid third of the stuff you as a newbie need to know, let's just say that the scripts in those missions could be more informative and leave it at that for now. The others are bleeped, probably because nobody bothered to look them over before releasing new versions, my guess of course, they might have been rubbish right from the get go. So, as most people do, I assumed I was the idiot, this is space flight after all, not easy, physics,math and stuff. But I checked the Wiki/forums and found one solution that clearly showed there actually was a wrong setting in the training craft, that mission cannot be completed unless you do stuff (to the parachute in this case) not mentioned anywhere in the mission instruction. It goes on, eventually I called the guy who recommended the game; engineer, smart guy, space nerd. Complained loudly. He laughs and says what I guess most of the folks on this here forum would say; "Training missions? Man, why are you messing with them?" Because I want to learn, dammit, and these are supposed to help me do that, and it says "1.0.5" right at the bottom of the screen so this is the latest stuff, right? Wrong. It seems. So I ask my friend, to check out the scenarios. His reply; "Nothing wrong there, just had to tweak things a little, well one of the ships does actually have the wrong configuration, guess they missed that when they upgraded." So I told him to go back and play the tutorials, by the book, just as a complete newbie would, no tweaks, no shortcuts. He was a bit more subdued the next time. "They're unplayable, well, all but the first two." So, questions: 1. Are we right? Are the Training Missions out of sync with the upgrades, if so that is really poor marketing. This thing sells on Steam now, tons of new users I would guess. 2. Has anybody of all you clever people out there run thru the Training Missions after 1.0.5? Would you do it? Just to see if my friend and I are right, and maybe at least post a list of stuff the the newbie user can do to struggle through? Answers and comment would be much appriciated.
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