Hello there fellow aerospace engineers, here is a little challenge for you to keep your brain busy during the weekend
During the early stages of the space race between USA and USSR, both nations put their top minds on designing jets to brake speed and altitude records,
eventually it brought them both to a new dawn of espionage, using high altitude spy planes, on some of which there are many heroic stories, and even some great movies.
So... the "High Altitude Mark13k MiniJet" (HA Mk13k MiniJet) is a tiny low tech jet which, so far i could only bring it to about 12.000 meters at about 200ms.
Your mission (or challenge) is to brake new records with this little thing, both altitude and speed.
It doesn't have to be effective altitude, you don't have to maintain it, only reach it.
The design is simple, you can use any amount of tier 1 jet engines, any amount of tier 1 air intakes (the once you see in the picture, frontal intakes) and any other jet parts you choose to pick. (wings etc)
The rules are simple as well, no solid boosters, no decouplers, no liquid rocket fuel or engines.
Every percipient have to post a screenshot of his record braking speed or altitude (or both)
At the end of the race the winner will get one of those little banners with his name and his record on it
Let the race begin!