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Everything posted by Perotis

  1. What is the minimum altitude to get into orbit of Earth in Real Solar System? The Dv map shows that 250km is "low orbit" but in game 140km is "in space"
  2. I once I've maxed out my science in career mode, I find little motivation to keep playing. I've only ever made it to Duna and Eve, so I know there is a lot more to see and do. But not having anything to earn/work towards just makes it feel like I'm doing it for the sake of doing it.
  3. the Dv map for stock KSP has the TOTAL Dv for each planet/moon under the name of the planet/moon http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/thumb/7/73/KerbinDeltaVMap.png/600px-KerbinDeltaVMap.png
  4. This doesn't show up on my CKAN. Is this going to be added to CKAN?
  5. I have the Galileo Dv map (thanks to whoever made it), but it doesn't have the total Dv for each planet/moon. It's not a big deal to do the math myself, just a suggestion for future versions.
  6. What direction do i need to launch at in order to get into an equatorial orbit of gael?
  7. Why isn't KerbalEngineer on the CKAN list?
  8. It's been a while since I've played KSP, so most of my addons were out of date. I had some that were installed/updated with CKAN and a bunch that were not. So, I decided to just empty out (backed up first) my GameData folder and just reinstall everything through CKAN. However, not all the selected mods are being installed. [x]Science, B9, are a couple examples of ones that are selected but don't get installed.
  9. I have 21 mods installed currently and it takes 5.5 minutes to get through the loading screen. it it a matter of having too many mods installed, or is there something else that is taking all of the time to load?
  10. not the one I was thinking of. The one I saw had a graphical representation of the maneuver node cross-thingy in the mod window.
  11. there was a mod I saw where you could adjust a maneuver node in it own little window so that you don't have to worry about accidentally grabbing the wrong arm of the node.
  12. I don't know if there is a bug list already, but here's one that I encountered last night. I was doing a 'rescue' mission and as soon as the kerbal I was supposed to rescue EVA'd something exploded and I was flung away at 2km/s.
  13. why does mechjeb sometimes automatically launch as soon as I press "engage autopilot" and other times it doesn't? (and I'm not using "launch to rendezvous or anything like that)
  14. I thought i remembered Scott Manley mention a key command that would force green construction nodes to snap together. I'm trying to attach a probe to the docking port in my cargo bay, but the game isn't giving me any attachment, even when it's in the exact place it should be.
  15. is this mod still available/relevant?
  16. Yea. I got that. But it doesn't show the direction to your selected target.
  17. is there an addon that will show you the direction to your target even if the icon is on the other side of the ball?
  18. One of my first attempts was an orange tank with a mainsail first stage and then a half tank with a poodle. It was nice and long, but still didn't survive the turn. Im using mech jeb ascent guidance. I've tried adjusting the hight and the angle of the turn. I don't seem to be getting any progress towards figuring this out.
  19. I've been trying to get a scanner lauched and every time it starts a gravity turn, it either flips or breaks apart. I've tried many different configurations to launch this turd into orbit. But even this simple, straight forward, design just breaks apart as soon as the turn starts. I DON'T UNDERSTAND!
  20. I got a bunch of science stranded orbiting Jool because I didn't have enought D/v. So I try and sent a rescue mission. A dozen tries later I end up with the science in the rescue ship with 3500 D/v to get home. I think I'm in good shape. I get an encounter with Kerbin with 2400 D/v left. But, when I try and get into orbit, the maneuver says it will cost 3500 D\v >:( I hate the idea, but I'm gunna have to turn on infinite fuel to get this ordeal over with.
  21. trying to rescue some stranded science from Jool. didn't realize that the sunlight that far out would be so weak though. Even the solar panels in the picture are not enough to run the engines
  22. is cool starting a mission with 9k D/v
  23. What is the scoop on this mod currently? Has it been finished/maintained? is it worth using?
  24. as impressed as i am with those kerbals being able to drift those large utility vehicles, I don't think it's safe for them to be doing it around the VAB and the hangar
  25. are there technical limitaions/reasons for having time acceleration limits while in orbit? I understand the problems/glitches that can happen with time acceleratoin. But when your sitting in orbit waiting for a hohmann trasfer thats' 2 days away and you can only time accel 10x or 100x and it's faster to bump your orbit higher just so you can accel faster seem kind of silly
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