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  1. Since I'm really lazy, I've just taken a screenshot of my PC-specs. Also the memory goes really high on the graph of the task manager and stays really high; the CPU is about the same as when KSP wasn't open, just a little bit higher.I think that should be normal. I bought ksp from its website and I didn't click on the launcher to play since the 'play' button is greyed out. This might be important, I've had this problem before and after a while(about a month) it fixes itself and I can play. How can I fix it faster? Although I've worded everything horribly, hopefully you know what I mean. http://imgur.com/NXynzrZ
  2. For me, the picture doesn't load properly. So here's a link in case. http://imgur.com/rduOGFa
  3. I knew that but pressing that just makes the problem worse.
  4. Here's a screenshot from the computer. I tried deleting the settings cfg. but it doesn't work.
  5. But now, It opens into a tiny window. How can I get a screenshot into a post, so I could show you what happened because it won't let m paste one in.
  6. The problem is that now, it only opens into a tiny window.
  7. When I click on KSP to play it, it opens into a tiny window in which you can barely see the anything. But now I pressed on the shortcut for fullscreen mode hoping to fix it but it only made it so whenever I open KSP, it is not responding and I have to close it. I also can't get it out of fullscreen. How can I fix it? I am playing KSP 1.0.5 (Windows player).
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