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    Besançon, France
  1. Ok, effectively it's a problem with real fuels, i've tried to download it from Ckan , the forum and github, don't work, and i've update my version of Ksp, doesn't work too, i don't understand, Here my new log : http://www./download/3kzkna1t3zj17r2/KSP%282%29.log Like you see it, it's the same thing, the same ending of log 8 hours i'm on this bug, i don't understand
  2. Hi, first of all sorry for my english i'm french, i've praticly the same problem as FunnelVortex, when i launch the game, the loading stuck at "AIES_Aerospace/Engine/AIESconstelacion/part/liquidEngineconstelacion" and that is after MM do the "before for after" but i've tried to remove aies, and if it's not aies it's FASA, and if it's not FASA it's MechJeb, ect .... I tried to delete MM cache, no way, always the same thing, i've tried to reboot my pc, no way Here is my log : http://www./download/4586z3h2uy3ol2l/KSP.log Here a screenshot of Ksp stuck : http://www./view/821kt0tj5c6dtwm/KSP_STUCK_FORUM.png Here my list of mod : http://www./download/wjy4op452868vnd/installed-default.ckan I hope you can help me, thanks.
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