Hi guys!
I am kinda new to the game, I only have 47 hours playtime, plus maybe 1-2 on the demo, so take my words with salt or pepper or smthing.
So, I started the game with the mindset that I will focus on the jets, in order to learn the controls and stuff, and as I did the contracts and stuff I came up with some things that I think could benefit the game.
First off is that I would absolutely love the idea If you could construct landing strips across Kerbin, like the old airfield. Mostly for landing jets and space planes and other stuff. Not really for launching stuff though.
Like, You could spend money building these at certain locations, and They would function as recovery sites.
Or maybe put independent airports/launch sites that would not belong to you, but you could use them and pay a fee or something like that later, so You'd have options If you for example asked to do a contract at the other side of Kerbin and do not want to spend half an hour flying back to KSC.
Another idea I have is tied to this.
I noticed that there are turbofan engines in the game which are very efficient, but well..too slow.
Like there isn't much things to do with the subsonic engines after You get the Panther.
So my idea is to introduce these independent airports/launch sites that would act as corporations and give You contracts.
Contracts like: Ferry 4000 units of liquid fuel to the site, or build a LKO capable rocket( or a rocket according to certain specifications) and ferry that to the site.
Or just transport 3 Skipper engines to a certain site or things like the tourist contracts but with 10,20,17 or so Kerbals.
I'm saying these because I noticed that there's a lack of things to do with jets and especially with subsonic jets.
Like, atmospheric survey contracts are nice and all, but after a while They become tedious and boring.
Also something for the contracts as well.
It would be great If there would be a certain "reputation" tied to certain contract types.
Like, If I do a lot of test part or tourist or put satellite into certain orbit contract, the game would present me with more and better of these contracts.
I believe that's all, If there are threads similar to this I apologize. I did a quick search just before I started typing this, but I did not find any thread that had the independent space port portion of the post.