Payload to LEO is a bit fluid right now, I am still trying to figure out a good ascent profile. It has a bit over 16,000 DeltaV.
Engines wise, it has 8 shuttle boosters and 18 F1-B engines in the first stage. The shuttle boosters help keep a good TWR while the F1-B's chew through the orange external tanks. By the time the boosters are out, the orange tanks around 3/4ths expended and get dropped soon after. This then leaves a small tank right above the F1-B's which is then expended. Right above the F-1's are M-1 Engines. Nine of them come online as the fairings drop away with the F1's.
After that, its 6 more M1-s in their own stage. Followed soon after by 4 J-2X's in a 4th stage.
Here is a side view of an earlier version.