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Everything posted by sedman

  1. Awesome, you really know all the tricks. If I wasn't so impatient... I just pasted in the following into the IR_Segment_TrussLarge_5m00/part.cfg. Gave me the nodes I was after, I have to remember I did it though - update and its gone. node_stack_right = 0.1823258, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 node_stack_left = -0.1823258, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0 node_stack_back = 0, 0, 0.1823258, 0, 0, 1, 0 node_stack_front = 0, 0,-0.1823258, 0, 0, -1, 0 If I hadn't spent a few hours designing, testing and then building this on the moon (Extraplanetary Launchpad), I'd go back and do it properly...
  2. Did you actually run through this process? I've tried exactly as you detailed, plus a few more permutations and I just cant get it to surface mount, I always end up stuck at the point in the image I attached - I have a node on the T subassembly, but it wont surface attach no matter what I try. I think I'll just give up on it and have the middle of the H as two sections, really just need the strength on the outer beams anyhow, just frustrating. edit: resorted to editing the part.cfg, I'll have to remember I did that... Really do appreciate your help though.
  3. http://imgur.com/jLqMnxX As you say, its simple... This is what I want to achieve, before I go building a whole bunch of stuff on top...
  4. As per the title - having to wait hours/days to have posts moderated as a new user is frustrating. Get some more mods, or have a system of +1000 posters be able to lock+hide a post for the mods that come in hours/days later to look at.
  5. I know I can add mods that do this is a round about way, but it really should be available in stock. Struts are needed during accent, but once in space, it would be nice to be able to detach/jettison them. Using decouplers leaves a mount, I can switch root and reverse the couple so the item+mount gets detached but it still leaves points on the original craft. - I'd like to see a clean removal struts/decouplers. Having to add mods and do an eva to remove them is tedious, I cant simply drop them in space, because I don't want trash floating around, so I have to store them all up and do something with them later - recycle or deorbit them in a container. The whole root thing is limiting, would like an easy way to add snap nodes and be able to do multi node snapping, but I guess I'll have to wait for KSP2.
  6. There should be a text list box to select parts with, having to manage the camera so I can select parts I've clipped in is tedious.
  7. I'm trying to create a H strut configuration, with 3 x 5m robotruss pro. I have a bunch of mods, including editor extensions, but it still doesn't seem possible. I change the roots, I can get the middle strut to surface attach, but I can't get the last to surface attach to the middle. I know I can build another way, but its not as strong and stops me from mounting landing struts in my desired spot. This is for a rover, I'd paste an image of what I'm trying to achieve but I don't have an imgur account. Is there any way to form a H strut configuration with 3 x truss?. I'd be happy to modify an existing part to add another attachment node to the middle, but I cant work out now to do the node_stack, node_attach sections yet. TIA.
  8. Could I get some advice please? How do I put a spanner, hammer or drill back into my inventory or pick up anything thats floating? I can grab things, but I cant work out how to put them back into my inventory. Before I try and pick up that spanner and drill I left in orbit, I'd like to know the best way to pick them up? TIA.
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