Searching for a replacement of the Kerbol Galaxy and inspired by this thread, I grabbed the original image and made also some cube maps out of it, this time inclined.
There are two inclinations in two sizes available: 60° for the Stock Kerbol System, 83.5° for RSS and both versions with 2k or 4k images. Both sizes are made from the same 6000 x 3000 pixel panorama shot. The only difference between 2k and 4k is the amount of pixels. More pixel made it easier for the tools to create the cube map and for Unity to display the textures. As soon as one gets a native 16k x 8k panorama, we can go for a real 4k milky way cube map.
Meanwhile also a more natural version is available. It aims for the naked-eye vision. You got less colors, less stars, less details in favor of more night sky. To give you an impression some screenshots, The first three are stock, the last from RSS.
You can further tweak the appearance if you use the possibilities given by the mod Distant Object Enhancements, there you can adjust the maximum Skybox brightness.
Like stated in the title you'll need TextureReplacer. Then download the desired version, extract the files and put it into <KSP install folder>/GameData/TextureReplacer/Default/.
short explanation:
The 60° variants are for stock KSP, the 83.5° ones for RSS, NE stands for Naked Eye. As texture size does (nearly) not matter any longer, the NE-versions are only available as 4k version.
Those pictures get licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License like the original one.