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  1. sal_vager -- Oddly enough, when I went to that folder I found I didn't have permissions to access it (in my own /home folder, no less). As soon as I changed permissions on the /unity3d folder and subfolders, voila!! KSP fired right up. Thank you for your quick response, I'm sure I'll be back for something equally....odd. Cheers!!
  2. I am a new KSP user and am encountering an issue when attempting to fire up the program. I downloaded the game via Steam and when I attempt to start KSP is goes through it's loading screen then simply crashes. I deleted the Setting.cfg file in my /Kerbal Space Program directory and created the simple batch file discussed at the top of the thread. #!/bin/sh cd ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal\ Space\ Program LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64 When I start the game in this manner, I get the same load screen but in this case the progress bar stops at ~50% and stays there. The "load comments" continue to change, but the game simply stops loading. I am running Linux Mint 17.1 on a quad-core system with 8GB of RAM KSP is the current version available on Steam (I assume 1.05) I have an Nvidia GeForce 9400GT using the 340.96 driver. On a related note, I had previously downloaded and successfully run the KSP Demo version on Steam. I have deleted any residual files/directories from the Demo version and have also attempted a reinstall of the full version. Any assistance would be appreciated. Regards. Chris
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