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Everything posted by cawsp

  1. Thank you again Aqua! Amazingly turning it off and on actually fixed the problem!! This was the first time for me to try making tugs so I thought I did something wrong design-wise or I did something that wasn't suppose to be done. I will try restarting the game next time
  2. Hi! I made tugs for towing in large fuel tanks and docking certain ships but whenever one of my tugs docks to another ship (with the claw or a docking port) it can no longer use RCS. Anyone have any idea what might be happening? I've tried it with three different ships. This makes my tugs completely useless but I'm confused why this would be happening. I posted a picture. RCS is turned on and I'm controlling from the front docking port. There is plenty of electricity.
  3. Thank you both for your suggestions! I actually now have no idea how it got fixed. I restarted the game and my computer and all of a sudden the wheels don't break anymore. I'm really happy I didn't have to edit the save!! That always feels like cheating to me even if I'm fixing something.
  4. So I recently decided to try going to Duna. I planned my mission and executed. Part of my mission was to land a rover on Duna. I finally did it! I was really excited. The first thing I did was check to make sure nothing broke then I saved and quit (other life duties got in the way). Now when I load that rover again one wheel breaks as soon as gravity loads. I've tried loading again and again but every single time is the same. The wheels are perfect and the rover is on solid ground when I first load and then as soon as the game is finished loading and gravity starts one of the wheels breaks. This is super frustrating after I finally got a mission successfully to another planet!! Is there anything I can do? I might try saving with the broken wheel and then modifying my save file to not have a broken wheel and see if that works but I would prefer not to do that if possible... Also I drove this rover around Kerbin for 5 minutes before starting my launch so it should be a good enough design. Thank you!
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