I've been experiencing a small issue with the mod i'm wondering if anyone else has experienced or has a workaround for;
I'm trying to assemble a pretty cohesive Mun base, and have landed some modules and am trying to re-attach them to each other properly as they came as a few drops. (using KAS/KIS ofc)
So when I have to detach a 4 or 6 cargo pod, I obviously have to remove the containers first. But when I try to reattach them once i've moved the pod, i'm missing attachment nodes on the pod. I can't remember how many I was missing on the 6-pod, but the 4 was definitely missing two nodes; those closest to the reattachment point. Obviously this causes a few attachment issues so I thought i'd ask if anyone else has had this issue trying to mess with bases through KAS and if there's a solution.