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    Crash Site Alpha, Minmus
  • Interests
    Crashing, talking about crashing, watching videos about crashing, reading books about crashing, crashing while crashing, crash testing

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  1. Compared to other spaceplanes/spacefighters, this is just a peanut, but I tried my best at recreating the Perseus from Freespace 2, while maintaining a balance between aesthetics and utility. It's not capable of ground takeoff and must be either hauled into orbit, or constructed in orbit. It has a high speed and maneuverability (when assisted by RCS that is) and when equipped with weapons, it's pretty deadly. Should be particularly fun with the BDArmory mod The Perseus in its hangar. In-orbit above Kerbin. For comparison: the actual Perseus.
  2. After a failed attempt to orbit Kerbin, I ejected Valentina out of the ship to safety, only to have that ship open a rift to a parallel dimension and disappear (actually, it just simply disappeared) along with Doodpont Kerman, who I left inside the rocket. Valentina survived, but Doodpont''s whereabouts are unknown.
  3. Greetings Kerbonauts. (And Janitors too). I'm, as you can tell by my Profile name, a terrible rocket designer who frequently crashes into things. I like playing in career mode. I like using Whack-a-Kerbal to destroy something to make things more interesting. I LOVE space (and snacks). Playing KSP helped me understand orbital mechanics. I've been playing KSP since the early alpha (back then when there was only Jeb, Bill and Bob, no Spaceplanes, no Career mode and you only had one command module. Oh, and no maneuvers.) I do planetary encounters without Mechjeb but I use it for rendezvous with other ships. (I'm like the WORST of the worst rendezvous planners you could ever find.) I use F5 and F9... A lot... I reenacted 9/11 once with Jeb, the VAB and an Aeris A3 with broken engines. I'm weird. Oh, sorry, I was rambling again. I'll shut up now.
  4. For the pure purpose of Science generation (0.5 Science a day) and for general niceness, I built... *drumrolls* A Minmus Base! (I couldn't find the image with the base on-site, so have the mockup version on Kerbin instead!) *silence* I know, it's lame compared to the others... but it generates Science, Electricity, Fuel and holds up to 15 Kerbals. Assembly is done piece by piece. Individually sent by this thing. It starts out with a Starter Base and from then on, it can be built and customized the way you want. (NOTE: It's not built in orbit, but I landed each part on Minmus and drove it there.)
  5. (So sorry for necroing the thread.) I call this the "Pandora's Box" (For obvious reasons). The way that thing is built (it has a few fuel tanks clip into eachother) caused some.... ..."interesting" stuff to happen... (Why the hell are those fuel tanks orbiting the rocket???) So, after a few corrections... ...it actually took off!
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