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Posts posted by teej9

  1. 44 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

    Note that career will not work, just sandbox. The only way to play career in RO right now is with RP-0 (which requires RSS not 64K).

    Good to know, that's ok though, I typically do a "create your own" career in sandbox.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Starwaster said:

    For the most part I think it should but I haven't used the 64k mod. RO scaling might be a little overpowered but not by too much? Maybe some other 64k users can sound off here on their experiences with RO + 64k?

    Oh and I didn't say this before but RSB parts actually have too little propellant volume by about half the way you're currently using them (RSB + stockalike fallbacks)

    I was starting a new game anywho and went ahead and installed RO with 64K, thanks again for the help!

  3. 5 minutes ago, Starwaster said:

    Ok, I did a little digging: The only real support for the tanks is in RO. RF does not have its own support for those tanks (and of course, none for pretty much any engine)

    the RF Stockalike configs don't explicitly support RSB at all. Any support is via last ditch conversion where it looks for any LiquidFuel/Oxidizer resources and converts them to RF. Same thing for the engines and it defaults to Kerosene for both the tanks and engines.

    The parts you asked specifically about I think it's picking up as command modules so it does them as Service Module types and only does support for the Mono tanks. (and those processes are mutually exlusive so because it already handled the part as service module it skips the other resources.

    Final analysis is that the only reason they have any RF compatibility is because of RF Stockalike's fallback configs and it's not a really great or accurate conversion in part because of the way in which they were originally configured to begin with.

    If you want to use those parts without installing RO then you should at least grab the RO configs for them:


    Easiest way to get them is to download RO then navigate to the RealScaleBoosters folder and copy the whole folder to your GameData folder. (downloading them direct from the Github repo means clicking each cfg link then right clicking the 'Raw' button and saving link as. Save them to a folder you create in your GameData folder to store them in.


    You Sir, are the man. I am thinking about switching to RO, would it play nice with 64K?

  4. Is anyone having any luck using RF with Real Scale Boosters? I am having an issue where the upper stages only show the built in mono, the GUI doesn't allow for fueling the main tank of the upper stages. You can change the mono to any fuel but it has a tiny capacity (it just uses the small spherical tanks). Any ideas?

  5. On 2/9/2016 at 1:29 AM, Deadpan110 said:

    Is anyone else missing all the MKS Lite parts in the latest round of updates?

    Noticed in my current game so I set up a clean install to test.

    To reproduce - Mods installed:

    OSE Workshop, KAS, KIS, KSP-AVC

    then clean install of USI Life Support (USI-LS_0.3.11.0.zip) and MKS-Lite (MKS-LITE_0.3.0.0.zip)

    Kolonization tab in VAB shows only the 2 new drills, Utilities tab contains no MKS parts whatsoever, Pods tab shows the 'Scout' command pod (which is normal), Manufacturer tab shows Life support and reactors.

    Also checked freight tab and the usual tanks and containers seem correct.

    Directory listing of GameData within Spoiler.

      Reveal hidden contents
    $ tree -d -L 3
    ├── 000_USITools
    │   ├── Agency
    │   └── Flags
    ├── CommunityResourcePack
    │   └── ResourceConfigs
    ├── Firespitter
    │   └── Plugins
    ├── KAS
    │   ├── Parts
    │   │   ├── cPort1
    │   │   ├── hook_anchor
    │   │   ├── hook_grapplingHook
    │   │   ├── hook_harpoon
    │   │   ├── hook_magnet
    │   │   ├── pylon1
    │   │   ├── strut1
    │   │   ├── winch1
    │   │   └── winch2
    │   ├── Plugins
    │   ├── Sounds
    │   └── Textures
    ├── KIS
    │   ├── Parts
    │   │   ├── bomb1
    │   │   ├── concreteBase1
    │   │   ├── container1
    │   │   ├── container2
    │   │   ├── container3
    │   │   ├── containerMount1
    │   │   ├── electricScrewdriver
    │   │   ├── evapropellant1
    │   │   ├── guide
    │   │   └── wrench
    │   ├── Plugins
    │   ├── Sounds
    │   └── Textures
    ├── KSP-AVC
    │   └── Textures
    ├── Squad
    │   ├── Agencies
    │   ├── Contracts
    │   │   └── Icons
    │   ├── Experience
    │   ├── Flags
    │   ├── FX
    │   ├── PartList
    │   │   └── SimpleIcons
    │   ├── Parts
    │   │   ├── Aero
    │   │   ├── Command
    │   │   ├── CompoundParts
    │   │   ├── Electrical
    │   │   ├── Engine
    │   │   ├── FuelTank
    │   │   ├── Misc
    │   │   ├── Resources
    │   │   ├── Science
    │   │   ├── Structural
    │   │   ├── Thermal
    │   │   ├── Utility
    │   │   └── Wheel
    │   ├── Plugins
    │   ├── Props
    │   │   ├── AltimeterThreeHands
    │   │   ├── AtmosphereDepth
    │   │   ├── AxisIndicator
    │   │   ├── ButtonSquare
    │   │   ├── circularButton
    │   │   ├── Compass
    │   │   ├── directionalKnob
    │   │   ├── directionalKnob2
    │   │   ├── IndicatorPanel
    │   │   ├── IVANavBall
    │   │   ├── ledPanelSpeed
    │   │   ├── Monitor
    │   │   ├── NavBall
    │   │   ├── PropsGeneric
    │   │   ├── pullSwitch
    │   │   ├── radarAltitude
    │   │   ├── squareButton
    │   │   ├── standingSwitch
    │   │   ├── switch
    │   │   ├── switchGuard
    │   │   ├── switchWithGuards
    │   │   ├── throttle
    │   │   └── VSI
    │   ├── Resources
    │   │   └── RDSimpleIcons
    │   ├── Sounds
    │   ├── Spaces
    │   │   ├── crewCabinInternals
    │   │   ├── cupolaInternal
    │   │   ├── GenericSpace1
    │   │   ├── GenericSpace3
    │   │   ├── landerCabinInternals
    │   │   ├── landerCabinSmallInternal
    │   │   ├── LargeCrewedLabInternals
    │   │   ├── mk1CabinInternal
    │   │   ├── mk1CockpitInternal
    │   │   ├── mk1InlineInternal
    │   │   ├── mk1PodCockpit
    │   │   ├── mk2CockpitStandardInternal
    │   │   ├── Mk2CrewCabinInternal
    │   │   ├── MK3CockpitInternal
    │   │   ├── MK3_CrewCab_Int
    │   │   ├── Placeholder
    │   │   ├── PodCockpit
    │   │   └── sharedAssets
    │   └── Strategies
    │       └── Icons
    ├── UmbraSpaceIndustries
    │   ├── Kolonization
    │   │   ├── Assets
    │   │   ├── Flags
    │   │   └── Parts
    │   ├── Kontainers
    │   │   └── Assets
    │   ├── LifeSupport
    │   │   └── Parts
    │   ├── MKS-LITE
    │   │   ├── Assets
    │   │   ├── Flags
    │   │   └── Parts
    │   └── ReactorPack
    │       ├── Assets
    │       └── Parts
    └── Workshop
        ├── Assets
        ├── Decals
        ├── Parts
        │   ├── OSE_Containers
        │   ├── OSE_Converter
        │   └── OSE_Workshop
        └── Plugins



    The bundled ModuleManager.2.6.17.dll is installed in the correct GameData location

    Having the same problem here.

  6. 5 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

    The minimum crew was zero, the tac patch needs 1 or more in order to add tac supplies. I made my own patch that is now included with the mod in question (SSTU) and also has adjusted amounts for more days. Let me know if you need an example.

    Thank you Sir, works like a charm if I just adjust the minimum crew reqs.

  7. On 1/4/2016 at 6:19 AM, Jimbodiah said:

    Yeah, the file is there. I deleted the MM config as someone suggested, and I even see the resources in the configcache file under the command pod in question, but it's not showing up in the game. Other users with the same mod say they have TAC in their pods, so it's weird. I'll try a reinstall of TAC and the mod in question.

    Did you find any fix for this? I am having the same issue, its odd, it is happening to some Tantares and Near Future Pods, but some of the Pods from the same mods are fine.

  8. Man this mod is just a blast, thanks to those that maintain it!


    I am having a slight issue with the Dusty Plasma reactor. Whenever I attempt to place it in the VAB my FPS plummets to 1 fps, once the reactor is placed, I cannot select it again and I cannot right click it to see stats/switch fuel etc. If I launch with it, it does nothing at all. Interestingly it also does not highlight at all it I mouse over it in the VAB after it is placed either. All other reactors running fine so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  9. 13 hours ago, Profit- said:

    Happy New Year =)

    And to ring in the new year.... You need propellant, a reactor attached to the thermal rocket.  If you use CarbonDioxide you should be getting about a KNewton per 2 megawatts if I remember right. 

    Thanks, I have it setup, with a Gas Core reactor, thermal nozzle, running ammonia. In the VAB it is showing a TWR of 2.34, but when I launch I am just getting no thrust. Thermals are all in the green on the thermal helper. I was more asking about when you right click a reactor and it shows the upgraded stats, how are those upgrades achieved?

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