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  1. I have everything besides the Wheel and PilotSAS turned on. Picture of my Mod folder http://puu.sh/mr0zn.png
  2. I use the Aerodynamic Overlay and the Center of Lift is above the Fairing by a fair amount. Once I get to about 6000m and begin my Gravity Turn the center of lift pulls my nose down out of my control.
  3. I love this, but I have one issue. The Fairing Bug fix for the Center of lift and drag, isn't fixed for me. All the other Fairing fixes work. I'm also running KSP in Dx11. Installed Mods: Asteroid Day, Active Texture Management, Astronomer's Visual Pack, DDSLoader, DistantObject, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Kerbal Engineer, Planet Shine, Texture Replacer, Toolbar
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