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  1. Due to trying various rocket/plane designs, my Kerbals have to bail out and while I can get the Kerbals RCS to work, I cannot seem to find a way to open a parachute for the individual Kerbal. I don't even see a control setting for it. Are they just not in the game yet? Thanks.
  2. Trying to use PortraitStats and not seeing any extended info when hovering over their portraits. Icons, stars are working, as do the xfr buttons. Installed through CKAN on Sandbox game. Checked the settings file and all show True. I'm sure I've missed something simple. Thanks for any help. Fzzt
  3. Thanks for the welcome! Yeah, I wasn't thinking modular enough. Finding docking ports tricky to build with though and it was easier to learn to park a capsule in orbit! Did the hire a few/fire a few thing and finally got two more pilots.
  4. I've had my eye on KSP for awhile now and finally picked it up during the Steam Winter Sale. Lately I've been complaining that everything is being made simple to work on consoles/gamepad controllers with nothing really approaching the complexity of say Falcon 3.0 which came with a couple 300 page books, after a couple hours with KSP I'll quit asking for something more complex! Quite the learning curve but it sure feeds the inner space geek in me. Thank the Gods of Kerbol for the modding community, these forums and those who put up great youtube vids. After watching mechjeb do it's thing and a few video's, I can get my Kerbals up to space and back in mostly one piece everytime now, even without MJ! I'm finding it a little frustrating not being able to bolt ships together in space (ie probe > lander > transport ship) as trying to launch everything as a huge monstrosity usually turns into a big pile of debris. In sandbox mode, I can only seem to get 3 pilots while I have nearly 25 scientists/engineers. Tried filling ships with scientists/Eng. but my space center doesn't seem to spawn pilots often, known bug or just random luck? Anyway, having a lot of fun and just placed a HUGE fuel station in Eve orbit for the day when I send some Kerbonauts to explore the inner planets. Fzzt.
  5. Make sure you aren't creating another directory called Gamedata under Gamedata. Like the install says make sure you are copying to the root KSP folder. Unzip the file first! This is from the readme inside: ----Installation---- Drag Contents of zip file into root ksp folder(KSP_Win, or Kerbal Space Program) If you don't want a ship, simply delete it's folder within the SciFi folder(_Voyager, _Tardis, etc...). If using BDArmory (for torpedo) or Tweakscale (for Phoenix), ModuleManager will (hopefully) apply patches to add extra functionality.
  6. DarthGav, I went to here: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/63/Firespitter Scroll down the page to 'Plugin', then download from the link that says, 'Latest version always here', it will just be Firespitter.dll Copy that dll over the old dll in the gamedata > Firespitter > Plugins. Worked for me on 1.0.5
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