I know it\'s not exactly like the real thing, but I did the best I could with the stock parts in the game. Hope you guys like it, cheers.
Special Instructions: Keep in mind this is designed to look much like the real thing, so I threw the ability to have maximum control out of the window. That being said - Hold the brake and do not release unless your engines have hit 100% thrust as shown in the video - only then, do you want to begin accelerating the aircraft. You will only generate the lift you need right when hitting the edge of the end of the runway. At this time you need to be lifting and right as your nose picks up, stabilize the aircraft or it will go out of control. When turning, do it in small amounts, giving the craft time to stabilize on each degree you turn. Too much turning at once or too fast will send you out of control. If there are any problems or improvements that could be made, please feel free to let me know or do them yourself, it\'s a community plane :]