The textures are missing in the flight scene view when in low orbit on Duna and Moho. Both planets look normal in map view and from high orbit. All other planets render normally. On Duna, everything looks normal until 110km. Then, between 110km and 100km the texture fades out and I'm left with the view seen below. Screenshots:
I originally encountered this in my modded career mode game. However, I replicated it at Duna on a fresh, unmodded install in an sandbox game. The Duna screenshot comes from that game. The Moho screenshot comes from my modded install. I checked all other planets and moons with hyper edit on my modded install and they were all fine.
Setup Details:
Linux 64 bit. Build ID = 01028. Edge highlighting is disabled because otherwise I can't see the inside of the VAB.
Player.log (taken after loading the flight scene at Duna on my unmodded install and then closing the game):