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  1. Well I have created glider and how to get airborne : But I want to get into termals and spin.
  2. Hello everybody. So I have been playing KSP for a long time, but I always want to do someting whit soaring/gliding and I am begging for you moders can you make this mod. I think not only I woud be happy but all others gliders who love create there own planes. Can you now make first create termals and later slope rinding from mountains. THX
  3. Well now i can get up realistic . https://youtu.be/RBxrFWnhjOA Thanks for suggestion BLUESTREAK.
  4. So i changed in KAS one which and try winch lunch my glider but i can't pull if object longer than 200 m .Can you help my , what i need to change. Demonstration of winch lunch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHmtaGcr4G0&feature=youtu.be
  5. So i am glider pilot and i love create planes so i what that will be in KSP , but i can't create mod . If somebody can make. I think just need (termics and viorometre). Comment about this Idea. Sorry for broken English
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