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Posts posted by Wotano

  1. On 07/02/2016 at 5:26 AM, LabRats said:

    Im not familiar with modding in KSP, but I have looked at the cfg files. Have you considered determing the speed from the torque curve instead of the overSpeedDamage?


    I did, but as I understand it the torque curve only gives you torque per speed, which is meaningless if you have no information about friction. KSP then uses Unitys WheelColider module once you drive the vessel in the physics box, including friction and slip. So I don't have a good way to get the infos in the background.

    The planned fix is to hard cap everything (speed, possible slope, waypoint range) depending on tech levels.


    The other thing is, that Squad announced that they have rewritten ModuleWheel for KSP 1.1 so I am not really into building something big around this module without knowing the changes they made.

  2. On 06/02/2016 at 6:11 PM, Kowgan said:

    Is anyone else noticing a small sutter every 1 second while at the KSC? I suspect this is caused by the mod updating the rovers' locations every second. Once I removed the mod, the stutter disappeared.

    the mod query's all vessels for the AutoRoveModule, that might be an issue if you have a lot of landed vessels (including debris). You could try adjusting the update frequency fpu (frames per update) in the config file.

    the next version uses a more conservative index based system.

  3. On 24/01/2016 at 8:17 PM, lodestar said:

    But it wasn't driving over water. it was on the plains next to KSC. It might be working perfectly for you, but even the UI doesn't work for me. In fact, the UI gets corrupted to the point that I had to kill KSP and restart.

    I'm running the Linux 64 KSP, heavily modded. Maybe it's some mod interaction, maybe it's something wrong with running it on Linux 64 bits, but it's simply unplayable.




    it stops before hitting water and since it updates the position by default every 60 frames  the distance to the water might be relative large dependent on speed and time warp

  4. On 06/02/2016 at 1:24 PM, drtedastro said:

    Hello to all.

    H'mm, I am having no luck with this at all...

    The rover has been built, and when launched it has option to start autorove.

    When AutoRove icon is selected, different things may happen.  Total lockup, new window (empty) or same window but contents off to one side.

    When little window comes up for target, unable to enter any numbers into it.

    When trying to close little window, new little window comes up, but only with LAT box.

    Sometimes complete lockup of ksp.


    and log full of; [...]

    do you use the ALT + F2 debug window? that causes some issues with active GUI-elements

  5. 6 hours ago, blu3wolf said:

    If its not done it automatically after checking the box, that is unusual. If you have a more complex install process than 'copy this GameData folder into your Gamedata folder', then I believe you do need to create a netkan file.

    I think I am going to need this mod :/ yet another thing to fit into limited memory :P

    I checked the NetKAN Repo and it did pull the mod correctly from Kerbalstuff 5 days ago: automatic Pullrequest.

    I used their .netkan file to produce a .ckan file and added it to the first post, hopefully it updates eventually.

  6. 17 hours ago, Badsector said:

    Sorry if i make trouble, now the exceptions are gone and in 1 save the mod work fine, now i have problems with my other save where i have 2 manned rover and over kerbin it work but my mun rover don't want start and i think is a conflict with lifesupport but i want make some more test first.

    Regards Luca


    Probably i have find the culprit, roverbody need to be the root part otherwise the mod don't work

    I like bug reports a lot! You were right, ProtoPartSnapshots contains only the root part, changed it to translate the ProtoVessel to a ConfigNode then query and manipulate that and override the old ProtoVessel when finished.

    next try: AutoRove 1.0.3_rc2.zip

    8 hours ago, blu3wolf said:

    Except not really? Its on KerbalStuff, so its literally a single checkbox for the author to check, to have it added to CKAN.

    I checked that box but I guess I have to upload a netcan-file by hand. I'm looking in to this.

  7. 3 hours ago, Badsector said:

    I have a problem on the mun, i get a speed of 0 for the target and my rover don't move at all, i don't know if is related at those exception i get at startup

    [EXC 13:01:58.225] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    	AutoRove.autoRoveConfig.get_gravityScaleFactor ()
    	AutoRove.AutoRoveModule..ctor ()
    	PartLoader:ParsePart(UrlConfig, ConfigNode)
    [EXC 13:01:58.239] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    	AutoRove.autoRoveConfig.get_gravityScaleFactor ()
    	AutoRove.AutoRoveModule..ctor ()
    	PartLoader:CreatePartIcon(GameObject, Single&)
    	PartLoader:ParsePart(UrlConfig, ConfigNode)
    [LOG 13:01:58.260] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody/probeRoverBody/roverBody' has no database record. Creating.
    [EXC 13:01:58.261] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    	AutoRove.autoRoveConfig.get_gravityScaleFactor ()
    	AutoRove.AutoRoveModule..ctor ()
    	UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Vector3, Quaternion)

    Sorry for my bad english

    Regards Luca


    I messed up the loading time of the config file, which wasn't always an issue? Added some null checks to the config loader, seems the exception is gone.

    Could you confirm: AutoRove 1.0.3_rc1.zip ?

  8. 10 hours ago, Kebra said:

    How does it work?

    Do you calculate an arrival time to the coordinate and just change the location of the craft after that amount of time?

    What happens if i go back to the rover before the time has passed, will it be a fraction of the way there?

    Sounds like an awesome mod :)

    It records the time difference between two updates multiplies it with maximum allowed speed to get the driven distance then sets it on the corresponding position towards the target, or on the target if it would had been reached or turns it off if the vessel would have been splashed.

    you can switch to the vessel as you like and do whatever you want. it will continue towards the target as soon as you leave the flight scene (as long as the vessel is landed, not splashed or in orbit)


    3 hours ago, skykooler said:

    This is awesome!

    Would it be possible to have this work with other probe cores as well? The Rove Body is a rather late-game part.

    It's so far only a single module that can be attached to any part (someone earlier posted a MM config to attach it to the MechJeb-case). Question is where it would fit best in the techtree.

  9. On 06/01/2016 at 11:17 PM, Badsector said:

    I have some troubles, every time i try to use it i get exceptions and the mod don't work

    [WRN 23:08:04.983] [AutoRove] Wheel: roverWheel1 (ModuleWheel), speed: 60, Charge: 1
    [WRN 23:08:04.984] [AutoRove] Wheel: roverWheel1 (ModuleWheel), speed: 60, Charge: 1
    [WRN 23:08:04.984] [AutoRove] Wheel: roverWheel1 (ModuleWheel), speed: 60, Charge: 1
    [WRN 23:08:04.984] [AutoRove] Wheel: roverWheel1 (ModuleWheel), speed: 60, Charge: 1
    [WRN 23:08:04.984] [AutoRove] WheelData: 60/4
    [EXC 23:08:04.984] FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.
        System.String.FormatHelper (System.Text.StringBuilder result, IFormatProvider provider, System.String format, System.Object[] args)
        System.String.Format (IFormatProvider provider, System.String format, System.Object[] args)
        System.String.Format (System.String format, System.Object arg0, System.Object arg1)
        AutoRove.AutoRoveModule.generatorCheck (System.Double& generatorCharge)
        AutoRove.AutoRoveModule.turnOnAutoRove (Double latitude, Double longitude)
        AutoRove.AutoRoveModule.OnGUI ()

    KSP Linux x64

    I'm doing some test on kerbin N5 E222

    Thanks for this great mod

    Regards Luca

    There is a bug in the function for getting the electric generator (like RTG) power on the vessel.

    Could you try AutoRove 1.0.2_rc1.zip to see if it fixes the issue?

  10. On 06/01/2016 at 10:26 PM, jonrd463 said:

    Haven't yet tried the mod, but it's something I've wished we had a long time ago. I was wondering, does the mod automatically set the brake once the rover arrives at its destination? If not, this might be a good feature to have in case your target location is on a slope.

    It ignores breaks completely when moving, so you can leave them on before starting or set them in between. You can also drive around manually without turning AutoRove off it continuous towards the target when you leave the flight scene. It just can't move while you're looking... :P


    22 hours ago, Captain Sierra said:

    @Wotano How does the system handle me suddenly focusing a vessel currently set to autorove and is in-route? I assume you've set it up to automatically adjust the vehicle's position to just above the terrain on physics load.

    every time it updates the position it sets the vessel to an altitude of 0m above terrain at that position, so it shouldn't collide more with the ground then usual when it loads. I haven't had problems so far but I could set some margin, just wanted to avoid heavy vessel crashing from the fall.

  11. 14 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

    Welcome aboard, that's a heck of a first post!

    Let me be the first to say: This has the potential to hugely increase the usefulness of rovers. I like using them for my ISRU setups, and roving to a tanker that landed a bit further away than desired is a real pain, this should help with that immensely.

    Right now it only takes 3 digits for for longitude and latitude (only thought about biome hunting), if that's not enough precision i can give some more room.


    7 hours ago, Lyneira said:

    I like this mod, this will make rovers useful for a lot more things! Scaling down the speed at which a rover will travel based on the gravity is a good thing, though I would suggest lowering the speed further as there are other factors to consider:

    • The maximum speed that wheels will reach can be over 20 m/s for some wheels or even higher. While you can drive relatively safely on Kerbin at that speed, this only goes for flat terrain with no sudden bumps.
    • A rover that's designed to actually carry something with it will not reach this maximum speed due to the rover's mass.
    • Even when going downhill, you wouldn't want a safe autopilot to go above its regular driving speed because it is harder to brake or turn for obstacles.
    • It is reasonable to assume the autopilot would not merely drive a straight line from A to B but avoid obstacles, cliffs, valleys, travel up slopes at an angle to maintain speed. All of this reduces the average traveling speed.
    • For short distances, it leaves the player with a reason to still drive something themselves because they might be willing/able to take risks that the autonomous pilot wouldn't.

    To summarize, lowering the max speed will make it a more believable abstraction, but also importantly, it doesn't hurt the player's time significantly because as with the rest of the game's space travel, you can timewarp through it. :)

    I thought about a hard cap (adjustable in the config file) but would like some feedback on how to scale that (the real rovers are barely crawling...) without rendering the autopilot useless. I haven't found out how KSP calculates a terrain resistance (if it does) so it would be some kind of mass/wheel vs torque - factor.



    2 hours ago, The Yellow Dart said:

    This sounds great! This might be a dumb quetions but how would one get the coordinates of a location in game? I know it tells you a landed craft's coordinates, but if it is a contract target, is there a way to get those coordinates?

    ScanSats map-overlays provide coordinates (which adds some not quite intended realism since one would need to map the body before using the autopilot) alternatively you could type coordinates in WaypointManager and see where the icon spawns.


    10 hours ago, Andersenman said:

    Oh this is nice. I take it this mod ignores (yet) any terrain features (climbs, chasms, water, ...) on the way or at the destination the rover wouldn't actually be able to master, correct?

    It calculates the next position on a 'as the crow flies' distance and than sets the vessel on that position, ignoring the terrain in between. The update frequency is adjustable in the config file but on high time warp it will likely clip through to the next position. It does stop on the last position if the next update would have set it in water / splashed (again can be relative far away on high time warp).

    I need some more sophisticated path calculating to get useful slope information to implement  a cap on that (and then find some acceptable number for the cap).


  12. AutoRove Mod for Kerbal Space Program
    A KSP Mod to give the Protodyne Rove Body the ability to move a landed vessel towards a target coordinate autonomously in the background. Right click on the Rove Body and activate AutoRove. The speed of the rover is the maximum speed the wheels can tolerate, scaled down for lower gravity worlds (but not up for higher).

    This mod is redistributing ModuleManager and Mini-AVC

    License:  MIT

    Source: Bitbucket


    * Bitbucket

    * Kerbalstuff

    * CKAN File



    • v. 1.0.3:
    • - should now work if the Rove Body is not the root part
    • - fixed a bug with rovers having a speed of 0
    • v. 1.0.2:
    • - should now work if generators are attached
    • - minor cosmetic changes
    • v. 1.0.1:
    • - AutoRove works now properly around the KSC
    • - fixed the .version file
    • v. 1.0.0:
    • - initial release

    Known Issues:

    * does not track energy use for moving
    * only numeric input for target coordinates, no mouse over
    * does not move the active vessel, only unloaded vessels
    * no visual display for the target


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