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Posts posted by JohanMax

  1. 20 minutes ago, taniwha said:

    Station  size should not have any effect. Do you have sufficient resources to transfer to your built ships? Do you save and load (includes switching to a distant vessel or the space center and back) between finalizing and releasing? Do you get any exceptions when finalizing or releasing? Are you using any resource switching mods (MFT, IFS, FS)? MFT should be fine, but I haven't tested with the others.

    Yes, I have a ton of mods, unfortunately.. I primarily have IFS, but think some mod might have dragged in others too. I also have RemoteTech, and I have tried switching between the space center and back, load and saves, and it still messes it up. I do have enough resources available also. It mostly seems to be with Liquid Fuel or Oxidizer, Monoprop has never failed to transfer thus far.
    I noticed another problem with RemoteTech, as I built a probe I forgot to put an antenna on, so I did an EVA and moved an antenna from a docked craft to the unreleased craft before releasing it. That did cause some issues with RemoteTech but it vanished after "buildtime" amount of time had passed.. :) But that problem I suspect lies more with RemoteTech...

  2. I seem to run into an issue when I release ships I have built at my spacedock, and it has to do with resource transfer. I can select to transfer the resources I need, and then release, and they will not all be transferred. Also if I first transfer resources manually, it still happens.. I can end up with a full tank of liquid fuel, but no oxidizer for example. I do have a rather large space station I build at, dunno if that can mess it up?


  3. On 2016-07-01 at 5:47 PM, taniwha said:

    In what way is it not working?

    Activated recycler, got both workshop and a smelter on station as well, drive ship to be scrapped into recycler. Nothing happens. Normally this is where the ship would be "deleted" and scrapmetal show up in the smelter.. I can still turn on and off recycler, and set it as target and everything else. Just, nothing happens.

    Anyway, just tested 5.4.0, and recycler seems to work again for me, a bit slow when it "eats" a ship but maybe this is a new thing? :) I dunno, but I could watch each bit of the ship vanish as it cycled through it. Also I noted it became Metal directly, so I assume the scrapmetal step is deprecated?

  4. On 2016-06-29 at 9:47 AM, MaxRebo said:

    @gamerscircleGithub is really easy, and there are lots of tutorials out there. Or do you mean Git itself? Well, same thing applies there. BUT. Neither Github nor Git are the problem. Getting Taniwha's build tree to correctly build and install under Windows requires some trickery and magic, short of using Cygwin (which I refuse to do; anything that doesn't build under MSYS out-of-the-box has an inadequate build system - period). It would simply not be very productive to describe the intricacies of solving the various problems that came up.

    So I decided to just do it myself and leave it here:

    [1.1.3] ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads-v5.3.2.git#f2d3f73.zip

    My career isn't quite at the point where I really use it, so I didn't do extensive testing. No refunds.

    Just tested your build, works fine for building ships at least, and all interfaces work again, however recycler seems to need some more work as that bit is not working. Anyway, its partly usable again at least.. :)

  5. Something of a wishlist item. It would be great to have a container for scrapmetal as well as metalore and the other EL resources, so you can scrap at one place and smelt it at another as well as scrap larger vessels without filling up the scrapmetal store if you are only using a small smelter for example. Also eagerly awaiting update to 1.1.3 so we can get back to building ships in orbit. :)
    Thank you for an awesome mod.

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