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Everything posted by Travman

  1. Reported Version: v0.1.3.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 64-bit | CPU: AAMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor | GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT | RAM: 32GB hello, i was a long time KSP player, and recently purchased KSP2 EA. i started playing KSP on .13, so i find it amusing that I am now playing the latest one on the same version number. i am experiencing the UI Flickering glitch, in all screens, VAB and Launch. after launch the flicker seems to be less than when its sitting on the launchpad. also, clouds seem very blocky, reminds me of the problems i had with the clouds mods with the original KSP which i was able to resolve but that was 5 or more years ago so i don't recall the steps i took to fix it. i have not modded this fresh install of KSP2 as yet, as i wanted to get back into the hang of rocket launches. even with the glitches i was able to achieve orbit on first launch, once in orbit i noticed the flickering was lower, unless there was a celestial body behind the UI, such as Kerbin, Kerbol, or The Mun. i have yet to travel beyond low orbit so i dont know if distance from Kerbin and the clouds might be a thing causing the glitching. additional information: after playing for a bit, i noticed a few things. Map mode has no glitches. if your craft is nightside of Kerbin, glitches stop, and returns when you go dayside. if you're beyond 150KM above Kerbin, glitches are reduced, and stop entirely after 250KM. glitches return when in close orbit around the Mun, but ONLY if the Mun is under the UI Elements. if you point the camera to space, or even Kerbin while in orbit of the Mun, no glitches. PPS. after landing on the Mun, i noticed that only 2 UI elements were glitching. the staging element, and the vessel action element, otherwise it looked fine while looking out across the surface. the menu in the upper left doesn't glitch until you point the camera at Kerbol, and then it glitches a lot. Kerbin is below the horizon so i don't know if its causing issues. no issues with EVA on the surface, until you point the camera at Kerbol, then it all glitches.
  2. So I got a contract to map asteroids near Moho. I had never seen this contract before, and had never been this close to the Sun. So here's my mission report! http://imgur.com/a/X7TTc FYI, this is the end of Career for me, I have the whole science tree unlocked, and about 48 million in the bank, this space craft cost ~680,000 to assemble. the rewards were minimal, but the Sentinel program is more about money over time anyway. It's fun to blow credits on whatever I want after spending a lot of time on a budget in the early game. This is about year 19-20 in the game. Comments always welcome!
  3. Looking back, I think about getting my first rocket to orbit in .14 with a big (for the parts at the time) rocket, I'd have to say brute force was my starting point. Now I build a payload, say that will never get to orbit because its too kerbal. Then achieving orbit anyway. For most things I plan maximum delta v for the mission its going on, then figuring out how to get it to orbit by tinkering. I've gone from brute force to rocket tinkerer. Fine tuning some things can do amazing things, like limiting thrust on one side of your rockets engines, and stabilizing its flight. Overall it's amazing the different amount and types of things you can build, and seeing others works is pretty awesome too. Thanks KSP!
  4. So I picked up a fresh engineer, and wanted to get her to level 3 before sending her to the Duna station and eventually Duna Base Aries. I set up a rocket to get to the suns soi, with landing capabilities in asparagus stages for landings on mun and minmus with a return to kerbin. I looked up if anyone had done a quick sun flyby and returned to kerbin soi. Not much information was found. So here's how I did it: I achieved 150 km orbit with ~2000 m/s dV in the lower stage. I planned my burn on the dark side of kerbin, using 889 m/s dV. This pushed my craft to just outside kerbin's soi. Once I left the kerbin system, I targeted kerbin, and pointed my craft at the target, used about ~180 m/s dV and got an encounter. Lucky me, I also managed to get periapsis at 157km with an encounter with the mun on the other side of the orbit. I spent a grand total of 42 minutes in the sun's soi, and gained all the xp Shannon needed to hit level 3 for the trip to Duna. Hopefully others find this helpful.
  5. I've lost many kerbonauts in the time I've been playing. the most horrible so far was my first manned mission to Eeloo. I think this was back in .19 or so, and I was excited. I had just entered the SOI of Eeloo and was setting up my circularizing burn at the periapsis. didn't realize while turning the spacecraft to hit the mark that my RCS was running and lowered periapsis. I time warped to within 30 seconds of the burn, and noticed that my altitude was way under where it should be. I tried burning radial to bring it up but still slammed into the surface of Eeloo doing around 1.4 km/s. Jeb, Johncott and Bill all got memorial services back at KSC.
  6. I kind of figured overpowering everything was the way Kerbals worked it is extremely unstable, I had the normal clamp-o-trons on the original space station (which I had launched about 1/2 way through the tech tree and added the rest after I finished the tech tree), and had to launch a separate mission for converting those to the seniors. I moved it down from a 500km orbit with the Vernier engines down to 200km, and it was shaking and bending like a leaf in the wind. not bad for my first interplanetary space station. thank you for the seal of approval
  7. Boring name, I know. this was a real pain to construct once I had everything on Duna. I ended up using the lander to float the Modules together and docking. time consuming but well worth the effort. you can see three science labs, miner and ISRU, as well as the science rover to collect science nearby.
  8. This is Duna Station Alpha, built over Duna after several launches. all stock besides mechjeb. it has ore storage and an ISRU to increase exploration, the Duna Miner is attached on the bottom, and the craft on top is the return vehicle for the 18 kerbals currently stationed in Duna orbit. There is an Ike miner currently landed and gathering ore on Ike. I'm pretty proud of this one.
  9. So I've poked around in the forums for help and assistance over the last few years. I started playing on .13, and have been playing off and on over the last few years. I have a lot of experience with the game, and finally decided to join up. Here's a hello! To my fellow Kerbonauts
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