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Everything posted by SkyblueX

  1. Hey there! Im contacting again about that replication bug I've posted a week ago. So I've went ahead and done some more testing. I'm 99.99% sure that there is something in this mod that causes the kerbal replication bug. Here's a link to the log of a recent session... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5hy3s3waPwccVo0MWg3bFZ3U0E/view?usp=drivesdk It's not shown in the log, but I've run a test only using Kerbalism, Community Resource Pack, and module manager. Even with just these mods, I still get the replication bug
  2. Hehe, great! I'd gladly provide more details if needed
  3. Hey there, I made a previous post on a bug that I was experiencing a few days ago. After updating to Kerbalism , I've began experienceing that kerbal replication bug again. This time, I made sure that I removed Kerbal Krash System, IR Robotics, Deadly Reentry, etc. , as stated on the link you've posted. Despite this, the bug keeps popping up, even when I downgrade to the previous versions of Kerbalism
  4. Yep, that fixed it =D All I did was remove Kerbal Krash System, and the problem went away Honestly, I have no clue as to why the problem was still occurring when the only mod I had was Kerbalism ( kerbal krash system was not in the GameData folder). Anyways, it at least worked Many thanks!
  5. Hey there, I've been experiencing a bug that's becoming very annoying- Whenever I try to EVA a kerbal, it gets cloned, and I somehow have two of the same kerbals, and the game doesn't seem to even notice it. I've done numerous tests, and it seems that their is something in this mod that is causing. I've loaded up the game with just this mod and it's dependencies, and the problem occurs no matter what. But when I take out this mod the problem magically disappears. I made sure that I downloaded and installed the community resource pack, and module manager. This also seems to happen to me in all versions of this mod, as well as in the newest ones. Any help is greatly appreciated
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