I meant 100km or 100,000 m. My mistake. Im proud because I vame up with this when I was having trouble making ssto's that can lift larger payloads with the first available liquid engines. This gave me alot more dv available in orbit.
The benefit of this design to me is that I wanted to maintain high thrust until I get high enough, then I can asparagus multiple tanks or none at all. I can see how it would sacrifice the efficiency of dropping all that mass, but it gains in flexibility/adaptability and control. I can have all engines burning as long as I want, and the CoM stays high because the last tank to drain is my top center rockomax 32.
Raptor9, I tried using the same method for my launcher on kerbal, mainly because I my engine choice is very limited. I now use 3 vertically stacked flt800 with reliant attached as my boosters that I detach as I see fit and I leave my swivel on a center 3 rockomax stack, which gives me the gimbaling plus moderate thrust when I'm out of the atmosphere. I gave up on detaching top mounted fuel tanks because I kept blowing up my ship by hitting my engines with the tanks. It was frustrating to coordinate a launch while spinning to give them some force away from me, but I was using the 1 tier radial decouplers...