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Posts posted by Neomex

  1. KIS/KAS are amazing. Worth coming back just for that :)

    Got so far:

    - Chatterer

    - KIS / KAS

    - BDArmory

    - Konstruction

    - All the USI stuff

    - ScanSAT

    - Pathfinder

    - WildBlue Tools

    - Some other stuff CKAN installed

    I remember something along the lines of extraplanetary launchpads , will check it out.


  2. I like it alot! Feels really polished now. Can definitely feel performance upgrade (even though my laptop is hot af and fans run on max speed). The stability wise I think I'm most happy with rockets themselves, they don't just bend anymore, you have to really mess up for that to happen :D

    Steering itself is also much easier with all the help. I have no idea how I was doing manouvers last time I played.

    For now I think I'll stick with sandbox, might do campaign at some point though.


    Getting my Mun base started. I kinda no-lifed the game.


  3. Hey,

    I haven't been around for a while, I'd really appreciate if someone could tell me about some nice mods.

    There was some resources and vehicles addon long time ago, don't remember the name though. (had solids and liquids you could extract, you could scan surface from satelite and itd display map)

    I'm looking for something to add more variety to the game, such as:

    - resource mining and transforming

    - base building (would be cool if you could expand base from resources you mine on planet)

    - life support

    - weapons

    - ships / vehicles

    - science / technology


    I've seen more planets mod, is it updated to newest version? (steam)



    Ohhhh, did multiplayer mod become anything?

  4. [joke]

    Tbh I have no idea why we can\'t just nuke Africa


    [mixed serious sentence with a joke]

    Because USA(x1) have no good reason, if any african country would attack USA(x2), Imo they USA(x3) nuke them.

    [/mixed serious sentence with a joke]

  5. Well, there is something I can tell you: if you think that popular IDEs and programming environments of today are very complicated to use, it\'s not all in your head. They really are.

    I wrote serious programs (i.e. I got grades/scientific results out of them) in C, Fortran90 and VHDL in the past few years, but still can\'t really wrap my mind around modern IDEs. I believe that this happens because there is essentially no market anymore for 'hobby' programming environments: 'normal people' don\'t learn to program anymore, and most of those who do gravitate around the professional sector (they are there, or plan to be, or wish to be) so almost all tools emphasize the manteinance of large projects instead of easy 'quick and dirty' coding. The initial barrier to entry is higher (although making progress afterwards is probably easier)

    Things like the Borland Turbo Pascal / Turbo C suites, or even M$ QBASIC (yes, I said that), that allowed most of us twentysomethings to easily take baby steps into programming, seem to have vanished. At least, I can\'t find them.

    Scripting languages like Ruby and Python are probably the modern substitute: I dabbled a bit in Ruby, really love the syntax, but never had the time to really learn it; so I still don\'t know how to manage libraries, which is the No.1 problem usually with these things.

    Compiling C++ from the command line with a makefile is clunky but conceptually easier, if somebody explains it decenty to you. Unfortunately, the last time I used a C++ compiler was three years ago, and I have totally forgot how to write makefiles... but if you find a good tutorial or manage to speak to somebody who can explain it well, it will be pretty straightforward for easy tasks.

    I know your pain, every single time when trying to install new IDE, no matter what language, I have to spend at least a day to learn how to use it :)

    I\'ve started with few simple programs in pascal, not really knowing what I was doing, later on I\'ve somehow stumbled on C++. One of the biggest problems were to get MVC++ working properly ( how the hell could I know back then that it creates new console projects for CLI ) so I\'ve moved to Dev-C++, it is abandonned, but very easy to start with, lightweight and has UI. ( console compiling might be a really big problem for beginner )

    Before touching any programming, you should probably get some more knowledge about tools. What compiler, linker, IDE are, etc. ( to know when it is a script and when a program, and what\'s the difference ;) )

    There are many tutorials helping to configure any IDE you want, all you need is patience.

  6. I\'m 13(almost 14) and theoretically I have the knowledge necessary to make a game much, much more advanced than KSP.

    Too bad I\'m lazy...

    Theoretically I have knowledge necessary to make a space rocket, do operation on open brain or make a nuclear bomb. Too bad I\'m lazy... :D

    No, seriously, move your lazy ass out off 9gag and go make something to be proud of. :)

  7. 1. It\'s not jst the one weapon, they are all heavily deadly

    2. *rant*


    *end rant*

    3. That\'s how a bad team plays, what I mean is that it takes more teamwork than running around a map.

    4. That much I can understand, it would be too hard to calculate/play with realistic injuries

    5. It\'s a shame that this is true

    6. Whoops, I said balanced? I meant that they have the power they\'re owed as high-caliber weapons.

    Basicly 3rd point destroys whole gameplay. Sure it would be nice if everyone played as they are supposed, but lets be honest, no one does. It is really hard to find someone actually cooperative.

  8. -A .45 round actually kills you like a .45 round should


    -Teamwork is actually involved

    -You\'re not a hero anymore, just another life on the field

    -Large maps

    -Well-balanced weapons

    Oh come on...

    - single weapon make whole game better?

    - overpowered

    - in your dreams, say hello to vehicle stealers, team-killers, campers, random wandering idiots, it is miracle when someone gives you ammo box when asked

    - sure, you just respawn on your friends, heal bullet holes or death from explosions with defiblyrator

    - less destruction comparing to bc2, not well designed

    - sure... and most people play engineer because he looks fun...

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