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Everything posted by Sullenskulls

  1. Hi guys. I'm having an issue that I'm not sure is just my misunderstanding of how this works, or a bug due to my mod-list. Any time I am using a manned vessel, I am unable to transmit data for any science experiments. I have my CommSat system set up and fully functional, and have no problems with unmanned probes, but manned always lists the connection as "Local Control", and will not transmit anything, not even when I am using a rover at the KSC itself. I have tried various combinations of omni-directionals/dishes connected to different parts of my network, and nothing seems to change. I assume this is not supposed to be the case, but I have not found any information anywhere regarding the connection of manned vessels, except stating that manned vessels can still be controlled without a connection. My mod list is:- Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
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