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  1. I am looking at the contract for decoupling on the launchpad and i did it but for some reason its not completed. Then when i go to the space center it says that i didn't do anything.
  2. I dont have demo, i bought it from website and im pretty sure im in 1.0.5. I dont know if this changes anything but i have the bd armory mod, did it work for you sal_vager, i mean the link to the ship donwload
  3. I'm using 4 TR-2L Ruggedized Vehicular Wheels and my crafts mass in 4.8T
  4. I finally built a rover and it cant move, the wheels seem to be spinning but its not moving. I dont know whats wrong, i have batteries and everything but i dont have a engine which i dont think i need.
  5. http://kerbalx.com/erasmusguy/RasTech-X-Wing-Prototype there is the link sal_vager
  6. I was downloading ships and i couldn't open some because the said that some parts were locked or invalid, i know that some parts are are all valid because there were no modded parts, so how do i "Unlock them"
  7. I downloaded a ship and its not working with the current version of ksp, i need to switch it to version 1.0.5, plz HAlP i bought it from the website, not steam
  8. I was looking on google but i couldn't find any downloadable star wars ship designs. empire or rebel, could you please leave a download link in the comments.
  9. I feel like a huge idiot for not finding the download link for the ships on this website, Here is the link to the website https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1eifwl/stock_15_star_wars_ships_finally_with_craft_files/
  10. I just downloaded the bd armory mod and everything seems to be working fine exept when i click launch, my ship doesnt go on the launchpad, i can click m and such but it doesnt show my ship.
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