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Posts posted by Zombienoms

  1. 7 hours ago, Ultimate Steve said:

    I apologise if this has been asked before, but can you replace the title screen music as well?

    Hell yeah you can haha. I originally got this mod to replace the main theme with BahamutoD's (guy behind BD Armoury) metal cover of it. It was the best thing ever until 1.1 broke it

  2. 56 minutes ago, BigBA said:

    Sadly the only thing working for me in 1.1.2 is the Vacuum ambient light level. All other values don't change a thing. I wonder why it works for some people but not for others. As for graphic mods I only use (or rather would like to use) PS atm.

    Conflicts with other mods maybe?

    EDIT: wait, never mind lol

    EDIT 2: then again, maybe it might still conflict with other mods..? 


  3. 15 hours ago, Ignath said:

    Check your folder structure for Planetshine, it should look like this:


    • PlanetShine
      • Config
      • Icons
      • Plugins

    Config, Icons and Plugins should be inside the PlanetShine folder.  At one time there was an issue with the structure where there was another PlanetShine folder inside the PlanetShine folder, which the Icons and Plugins folder were in.  Putting Icons and Plugins folder into the top-level PlanetShine folder fixed the issue when I had it.

    Update: that worked. Thanks!

  4. 3 minutes ago, VenomousRequiem said:

    Huh. That's weird, maybe it's updated and I didn't realize it or something. Last time I tried it didn't work.

    In that case, I have no idea.

    Try reinstalling the mod or something. Not sure on everybody's opinions here of CKAN but it might be worth using it to install just in case you made a mistake or something.

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