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Everything posted by DocktorMedic

  1. Thankyou all for your help! I will do my best to use all the tips and strategies you've given me! Thankyou!
  2. Hiya! I've had KSP for many years now,and I LOVE Career mode!.......However it's just...not fun when you're progressing at a snail's pace. Basically,I only have a few things unlocked in R&D,and I don't have enough money to upgrade the VAB so I can make bigger ships. (Plus I'm not that great at making ships in general!) It's just not fun! It's also hard when ALOT of the R&D things that cost like 90 Science only give you three parts when I struggle getting 20 science! It's just not worth it,and it makes things harder when that thing unlocks everything else! So if anyone can give me some advice on what to do in Career mode,i'd be much appreciative! And if anyone also has tips for building basic to semi-basic ships,that would help ALOT too ;D (Again,I am definitely not the best at building working ships,I haven't even gone interplanetery before!)
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