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Posts posted by triste_lune

  1. On 3/2/2023 at 5:31 AM, Superluminaut said:

    I'm kind of stunned that an artifact of the original game's game engine limitations were carried over to the sequel.

    Wobbly rockets were always a bug. The KSP1 devs spent years trying to minimize the problem, even bringing on new members to work on the issue.

    Most people don't like them, and they introduce an un-intuitive stumbling block for new players or people that want to learn space. eg. Rocket veers off course on launch. Why? The control part wobbles away from the heading, resulting in SAS shenanigans and off COM thrust.

    Furthermore, everyone gets rid of wobble to the best of their ability by adding struts, resulting in a higher part count. So you have a feature, that only produces greater part counts. Why?

    To keep the destructive effect, just define stress tolerances for parts at which they explode, disconnect, crumble or shear.

    Also, real rockets don't wobble.

    Scott talking to KSP1 devs about the wobbly rocket bug.  They go off on tangents but almost the entire rest of the interview is on the topic.

    If you're new to KSP, wobble is that wet noodle, jello rocket thing.


    Please get rid of wobble all together. Thank you.

    It always has been a feature, maybe at first it as  been a bug, but it has become a feature. And it has never been an unsolved issue.

    If you didn't like it, you just have to install a mod kjr Kerbal join reinforcement and it's solved

    There is already a mod for ksp2 to allow you to tweak the wobble value or you can edit the XML file and tweak the value manually. There is a post on this forum explaining how to do it on ksp2.

    So no it's not a bug and it can be tweaked, removing it definitely NO but adding an option in the campaign setting allowing players to disable the wobble for this campaign YES this way everyone can choose how they want to play

  2. In ksp 1 in the available view in flight there was the locked view, where the view is locked on the ship, and when you turn the ship you keep the same view of the ship (the ship does not rotate it's the environment which rotate)

    in manual flight this view is mandatory to keep track of the axis to use, and is very useful for docking.

    This view is currently not present in KSP2, if not implemented can you add it to the list of requested feature, i can't live without it , i manually fly everything in this view.


  3. update :

    after time warping the navball view work again but the control scheme is still messed up, some axle are activating two axes instead of one (right direction cause right + up ).

    after several test, just by reloading the save before decoupling both vehicle,  the change in the control scheme is still present but not always the same the type of the second axis and the amount is not always the same


    can be: right direction cause right + up 50%

    then next try can be : right direction cause right + roll right 20%

  4.     KSP Version
        Operating System and version : Windows 10
        CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant
    Core i7 920 overclocked at 3.6Ghz
    RTX 3060 ti pilote : 528.02

        Description of the bug.  
            Expected Behavior : normal operation of the landing ship
            Observed Behavior : when switching to the second ship after uncoupling it from main ship, to prepare for docking to the main ship, ship slow rotate due to undocking but navball does not turn, if activating SAS ship start to rotate on himself but naveball stay fixed.

    When trying to manually stabilize the lander some axe are not working properly and activate two axe at the same time (right direction cause right + up )

        Steps to Replicate : put a rocked in orbit, with a lander stacked under the main ship once dropped main booster quick save, separate both ship, switch to the lander and try to control it. no nav ball movement, and abnormal reaction to control input does not occur every time but nearly each time after a quickload.

        Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) none
        A list of ALL mods.  none
        Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..)
    link to full game save with ship craft, start the game and continue you will be loaded directly with my ship in orbit of kerbin.
    beware your in control of a kerbin in EVA (should be grabbed on the ship but not always the case) not in control of the ship board the ship first ;o)

    Once boarded check where are your kebal,  you may need to transfer one kerbal to the lander for control, then stage one time to separate both ship, usually when i just start the game and load the save it work fine but if i reload the quick save p then i retry usually i got the issue.


    link to logs files :


  5.     KSP Version:

    Operating System and version : Windows 10

        CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant

    Core i7 920 overclocked at 3.6Ghz

    RTX 3060 ti pilote : 528.02

        Description of the bug.  

            Expected Behavior :

    stable orbit AP & PE does not change without engine or rcs thrust

            Observed Behavior :

    both AP & PE raising at the same time very slowly around kerbin same but but faster around the moon
                    while not burning engine or rcs and doing nothing

        Steps to Replicate :

    put a rocked in orbit.

        Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) none
        A list of ALL mods.  none
        Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..)
    link to full game save with ship craft, start the game and continue you will be loaded directly with my ship in orbit of kerbin.
    beware your in control of a kerbin in EVA (should be grabbed on the ship but not allways the case) not in control of the ship board the ship first ;o)

    link to logs files :


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