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Everything posted by Hemir95

  1. Hi everyone! I've been thinking about the science system that has KSP and I got to the conclussion that it would be better, in hard difficulty for example, that every science experiment won't just get science points. For each science experiment you should collect some preacious data, like g force, rotation period, distance to kerbin or to KSC, pressure, temperature, sun light time, etc. for having the possibility to calculate the parameters from a mission, for example, if you have the TAC life support mod you will need to now how much electricity you must have according to kerbal's needs of oxygen when there is no sun light and you can't generate power. Also for other things like designing your spacecraft and have an idea of how much fuel will you need for making your trip or how will pressure afect. Probes would get really important for example at duna, so you can gather data about the period, size and atmospheric pressure and stuff. What do you think? It isn't too much effort to impliment that.
  2. Hi there! I was wondering if somebody knows about a mod or parts pack that has more space shuttle parts, specially Atlantis-style wings or something because the stock Big S wings doesn't exactly look as the NASA wings. I have 1.0.5 KSP but i dont find any parts pack or somehing. I already tried B9 aerospace but there are no wings like what I'm searching.
  3. Yeah, that's true but I still think that a few more parts would be nice. I just remembered that a Mk3 Inline Clamp-o.tron or something Mk3 docking part would be great for thoose that want to recreate an Atlantis-style Space Shuttle, wouldn't it?
  4. Hi! I would suggest to include stock rover parts, for example Chemcams or something like that. Also please more space shuttle parts AND misión, like crew transfering (what would be related with máximum time that a kerbal can stay in space). A training center to train kerbals habilities. That would need more habilities, for example, endurance, strength, etc. Medical center that would be related to the maximun time a kerbal can stay in space, again. I think that focusing on space stations would be really important so more experiments and parts can be constructed. I already have a lots of mods that give me basically what I expected from stock possibilites and features, so maybe you should include them as stock features, like PlanetaryBase, Infernal Robotics, Life Support, ScanSAT, Tarsier Space Technology, Station Science, etc. But highly needing Rover parts, because there are too less parts to build, just 3 wheels, and I dont find any Rover parts pack or something.
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