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    Washington State
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    Procrastinating my Sociology, blogging, and restarting ksp saves four times a day.

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  1. It looks beautiful! I'll download it momentarily Thank you so much for reviving this, It's my favorite craft I've seen from other people since I started playing ksp
  2. Ah that makes sense. Thank you. Also can you tell what this part that's circled is? I suspect it's a slanted Mk3 to 2.5 adapter connected to the back part with some sort of mk2 fuselage clipping into it at the front bottom part which is circled. I realize I forgot the circled picture
  3. Since the download link isn't functional anymore I've been trying to recreate this as closely as possible. I can't find out what part that is under the cockpit though. Absolutely amazing job on this craft btw, it's literally breathtaking
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