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Everything posted by davidtman

  1. Well I have the screen shot, but for some reason cannot paste it. Believe me there is no flame.
  2. I am new to this. What do I need to make a screen shot of??? I am new to this. What do I need to make a screen shot of???
  3. In a vacuum it has no flame. Very sad since the Poodle is my main second stage. I just installed hot rockets a couple of weeks ago on the latest version of KSP.
  4. It appears all of my rockets have the new particle effect except for the Poodle. The Poodle emits smoke but to effects. How do I change this?
  5. Some of the bases in Kerbin Side are not working correctly. All of my craft start above the launchpad and explode after falling and impacting the pad. How do I fix this. I would really love to be able to use the North Pole Launch Pad. Thank you.
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