thanks for your time.
I can't remember when i froze Alnie and Gregmal, but it is one of these 3 : on launchpad, during ascent, in kerbin LKO.
There were a lot of exit/ksc return between freeze and thaw.
Alnie & Gregmal aren't visible in KSC's available, assigned or lost crew.
When i say "i can thaw them on kerbin" i mean that relaunching the same "pioneer" vessel with two other kerbals without leaving the launchpad is freeze&thaw compliant, but i didn't get back to KSC between.
persistent.sfs : http://www.filedropper.com/persistent_1 (vessel pioneer on laythe orbit)
logs : http://www.filedropper.com/ksp (cleared logs, started ksp, went into pioneer, tried to thaw gregmal with deepfreeze menu : instant error (no remotetech delay), then tried to thaw alnie with context menu : delayed error (remotetech), then alt-f4.)
I can see that in sfs :
name = DeepFreeze
scene = 5, 6, 7, 8
Enabled = True
lastUpdate = 64469020.0097238
status = Dead
type = Unowned
vesselID = eecb8af5-bb85-4ae1-b512-a03b9dc01f7a
VesselName = pioneer
partID = 1589011711
seatIdx = 0
seatName = Seat1
experienceTraitName = Scientist
kerbalName = Gregmal Kerman
name = Gregmal Kerman
gender = Male
type = Unowned
trait = Scientist
brave = 0.2630968
dumb = 0.1767362
badS = False
tour = False
state = Dead
ToD = 0
idx = 0
flight = 2
flight = 2
2 = Flight,Kerbin