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  1. I coulnd't find anything relevant so maybe someone can help me out. Is there a mod that adds stars to KSP? Well, more specifically star tracking as that takes both stars and some optical sensors. Better yet the ability to lock on planet terminators as well but I guess even some predefined "stars" (not even visible) that have constant position would do. What do I need it for - I'd like to maybe try some automated craft control, you know, without the ability to see the perfect orbital paths in advance so that each maneuver is pretty much perfect to 0.1m/s. I was thinking the KOS scripter would handle the calculations and control, I just need some points of reference in space. Kerbol is one but I need at least another one. I mean, inerplanet navigation, how hard can that be to code
  2. I think most people here don't really know all that much about space exploration if they propose some arbitrary 75% or 85% realism to be had in KSP. What's this "realism", then, some token life support? How about all the material science - proper structural integrity, heat management when all electronic and mechanical parts only work well within some -50 to 85 degrees Celsius range, multibody physics that only allows to predict but not fully calculate distant trajectories, etc? This would probably make most players rage quit before they even got their first rocket into proper suborbital flight (as in, not just straight up and freefall). I urge everyone to read this first: http://history.nasa.gov/conghand/contents.htm (and don't skip the early chapters, it's really eye-opening how little was known about, say, Mars atmosphere back then) So, I don't really think more "true realism" is what we want but rather something to spice up things for long time players. That "fog of war" is interesting approach, especially in context of gathering science that's already in the game. Though obviosuly some of that is defeated by dV charts and transfer window mods - but then again how would one implement orbital tracking in the game? Building more base structures? Simply spending in-game time to "discover" the planets and their correct orbits? I do have some loose ideas of my own of course, including guidance systems, although some of that can be done already with mods. Problem is, this is usually non-trivial and not because it's a complicated subject but due to said mods being too simplistic, too buggy, not playing along with other mods, etc. On the other hand I understand one cannot make everybody happy and there has to be some limit as to what can be included in the base game. So, I'd rather list things that are already in the game and that I find lacking: - Service bays are useless, it's easier to just slap everything onto the spacecraft itself and save mass. Please make the science stuff break very easily (at least during LKO insertion?) so that bays are simply necessary. I don't know, make them fall off super easily due to air drag or something? Also, add light into all bays. - The science tree makes no sense. Does anyone even use fuel cells when, by the time we get them, we have access to solar panels and big batteries? - There is no mono engine that's stackble, and I would love to make proper mono-only Minmus/Ike ascent module. Two O-10 "Puff" engines work I guess but why not make a stackable one (that can be connected to a decoupler?) - Pods are too heavy. We get Mk1 pod faster and cheaper than the lander can, plus it can survive LKO reentry on it's own so it has some merit. Otherwise you always need a heat shield for those high-V entries so at that point lander can + shield combo is superior (though more expensive). Mk1-2 pod is 4.12t and takes 3 kerbals. Mk2 Lander+PPD-10 combo is 5.16t and takes 6 and you get more mono fuel. A bit less electric charge is easily offset by batteries which you'll add anyway. I've yet find a destination where that 1t would be a deal breaker and I'd revert back to using the pod instead. - Lights, seriously, we need to unlock how much of the tech tree to get a silly lamp? Plus why so bulky. Eh, I guess I could live with it if we had at least one small omni light for self-illumination early... - Stayputnik. I used it once in the 100+ hrs I've clocked in KSP. Either add SAS to it or just remove it entirely. It's even less usable than service bays. - Make antennas stay locked in the open position (toggleable), even after data transfer. It's a minor issue, I know, but here we are talking about some serious LOS/range overhaul for the radio systems and the antennas retract by default... - User action groups should be enabled by default. Make a limit of 2 at first for example if it's necessary but it seriously makes zero sense to have to upgrade the VAB to level 3 to get it. You might think this wishlist has little to do with the topic of realism but I disagree. As I said we can't have proper realism, but we do have certain immersion, and nothing breaks that more for me than those pesky little problems.
  3. Is it possible to have a small improvement to service bays in 1.1? A small ambient light (something like with the ladder), that would turn on once the bay is opened. Possibly with a separate on/off switch if the light is to draw any power. It would make bays much more usable, especially in planet shadows but also in space where the craft should not need rotating just to have some sunlight in there. Even a very dim, constant-on light inside would be great and it wouldn't break anything as long as it doesn't draw power.
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