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Everything posted by Geromey

  1. Actually right after posting it, I realized my Mistake and learnt how to do it! still takes me some time but at least I now have a Space Station And I´ve stopped REALLY using Mech-Jeb since the Beta and I`ve only used the Data since
  2. After around 4 Years of Playing I still can`t rendezvous with anything: I have tried many times and only done it once....then my RCS ran out of fuel....and it was for nothing I`m incredibly bad at being efficient: Instead of just burning out of the Mun`s SOI I have this reflex to first orbit the mun. If I haven`t run out of fuel by then I would also try to get a low Kerbal orbit before descending... Now I finally just go in as fast as I can and see how much Ablator will get used if I just come in at 3000m/s with a PE of 20km... Its fun I`ve never gotten back from Dres`s surface...: This comes back to my Rendezvous problem, my design`s carry a Pretty large load most of the time meaning that the Lander which includes all of the science stuff, a Rover JUST fitting into the Fairing and storage space. I never came back from the surface because the lander couldn`t fit anymore Fuel so I would plan to rendezvous with a larger tank, bringing back ore from the Planet to have it being Processed in Space. But due to me being excrements at the Rendezvous thing that plan didn`t work.... but that was around the release of 1.0.0... I just haven`t tried landing there again.... I have spit Lander and rover into 2 Modules now but the new problem is that I cant land anything less that 1km away from another Lander...
  3. Yes, but its still better than constantly bringing fuel tanks into orbit,isn`t it?
  4. I agree that it would be pretty cool to move around in a space station, but from how KSP works at the moment, space Stations are a bunch of fast moving parts and connecting them would be hard. The only solution I see is hollow parts because they are already in some mods. The problem there is that, loading all that deatil the game would lag
  5. I Landed... more or less successfully... KSC is only about six Kilometers away! Time to walk the Science home I kind of tweaked the Design so now it enters the atmosphere smoothly....but once using the engines it flies like... a paper aircraft
  6. Lovely answer! I haven`t used airbrakes for a long time. I used to put them on my landers to halpthem survive a really fast return (because I didn`t have enough Fuel to get me back into kerbin orbit) And I tried going in extremely shallow because I honestly never landed a 68T Spaceplane and thought that, because it worked for Normal landers it would also work for a... well... 68T Spaceplane I have to admit, it wasn`t my best design though so thats probably my biggest mistake
  7. I have 4 Airbrakes and the craft is 68.5T. My "shallow" decent: I burned retrograde at the exact opposite from KSC and my periapsis was around 30KM. I did go nose first at 90 degrees. But after I turned the airbrakes on, instead of slowing me, they stalled my craft (Because I tried to pull up like space shuttles with shielding plates would) When I then tried to turn back around to go nose first, G-forces Ripped me apart and my parachute was ripped off with the rest of the craft. UPDATE: I tried going in Nose first but then just burned up. Airbrakes didn`t slow me down and the Cockpit Overheated. 3 More Kerbals missing in Action
  8. So, something occured: I`ve built a Space shuttle using stock parts because I dont really like mods that add lots of parts because these parts will then just fill up my parts list and once I uninstall them some tiny part will **** my whole craft up. - SO, I get to an altitude of 100KM to deploy a Sattelite. - The Sattelite gets into orbit and I am happy. - Then I try to get back into the atmosphere as shallow as I can so the reentry wont rip my Kerbals apart. - During my decent I notice some parts getting too hot and I turn the craft so that they cool down. After that i came to me that I had airbrakes to slow be during reentry. - Well... the airbrakes didn`t do much and I ended up overheating my main engine which then ripped all the other ones apart. - Afer that I tried slowing my, now backwards facing craft down. - G-Forces ripped the back (Where my Drag Chute was) and my left wing apart. - 3 Kerbals died that day.... And jeb survived by getting into his secret "If I **** this up" Pod and landed safely. Conclusion: Any Ideas on how to cool down a Shuttle to prevent more of jebs crew from Dying?
  9. I`ve currently got an Asteroid in a low Kerbin orbit and i`ve attached lots of small parts to the asteroid. Because of the way asteroids work in KSP, its one big Refueling station, Mining the asteroid to refuel its supply!
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