Alright! I just didnt want to have to mess with my personal save, find a way to downgrade and then add the mod just to find out, especially if you have an easy way to find out
Yea no problem! I lose it a lot too, that's why i spent like an hour figuring out how to fix it!
Can you tell me the original fuel consumptions? I can sort out what isp is needed to get everything close. I just can't find any documentation of them anywhere.
Yea! You're able to add as many zeros as you wish to increase performance. I believe each 0 decreases fuel use by 10% so my 3 zeros decreased fuel use by 1000%.
Yea no problem! so you have this part,
atmosphereCurve { key = 0 50000 key = 1 50000
and you add zeros to the 50,000. like so,
atmosphereCurve { key = 0 50000000 key = 1 50000000
that increases the isp and decreases the fuel use.
OK so anyone having the fuel consumption bug, I think I found a temporary solution. if you go into the II folder - parts, youll find folders named after the engines go into each and edit the configs. look for
key = 0 50000
key = 1 50000
and just add zeros
Hey i dont know what development is like right now but i've been using your mod and loving it but i've realized recently that its making my game very unstable. i have a whole lot of mods installed so i could give you the list so you can take a look and maybe it'll help down the road? i don't know i just thought id let you know. love the mod keep up the good work.