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Posts posted by Adov

  1. On 12.06.2017 at 10:50 PM, PmThay said:

    I tried it out and it seems to work OK.

    Doesn't work for me for some reason( The files are listed in the debug toolbar and the volume settings seem okay in the cfg, but there's no sound on Kerbin. Just a barely audible hiss when you drive fast - more like aerodynamics rather than motors.

    Any idea what else should I check?

  2. 1 hour ago, Drew Kerman said:

    Hrrmm stripey textures. Are you on a Mac or are you forcing OpenGL?

    Naah, Win7. And actually forcing Dx11 which was a surprise - thought I have nothing forced. Must be a legacy setting from previous installation. Gotta try turning that off.

    UPD: That actually solved that:D Thanks for showing me the right direction, comrade) I believe, I had that turned on for a reason. I was planning to install KSPRC. Is there no need to force d3d11 for that these days?

  3. Hello. I'm using the 4 head textures this mod provides - they look a bit better than the similar textures from the PimpMyKerbals mod, so I'd like to keep using them but they keep working funny for some reason. xmjq3U9.jpg

    Jeb up close, looking just fine


    But his head turns all stripy if you look from further away. Same problem with the 3 other heads.

    Any idea how to make these textures function properly?

  4. 45 minutes ago, IgorZ said:

    Thanks. Now I get the "problem":

    1. It's not a "pylon", it's a "concrete base". The pylon is a KAS part, while the base is a KIS part. Not a big difference in this case, just FYI :)
    2. The both parts intentionally allow attaching to the surface without a tool. My bad, I've missed the point that you were using "H" key. In my test I was using "X" key, which is "use the equipped tool" one. Sure enough, you cannot activate a tool which is not equipped.
    3. The base does actually attach to the surface (as well as the pylon). You've tried to smash it several times before succeeded. That's because in the previous attempts you didn't have enough momentum. The surface joint is not indefinitely strong, it does have a force limit. Once you go over the limit, the joint breaks. If you open a debug log after, you would see an info message saying there was a physical joint destructed.

    Thanks for looking into it. I realized it might actually be working as intended, when I tried using pipes. I should have expected my structures to be kinda volatile under Minmus gravity:)

  5. Greetings. I've encountered a peculiar bug which appears rather consistently when certain conditions are met:

    1. A vessel must be in orbit

    2. It must have a manned EAS-1 command seat

    When I load a save file created in flight under these conditions, some of the vessel's parts are misaligned. Usually it's the wheels, the landing gear, the command seat or the kerbal manning it.

    I'm using a number of mods: KIS, KAS, KER, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, Throttle Controlled Avionics, RCS

     Build Aid, Atomic Age, QuizTechAero, a bunch of other part packs.

    But the first time I encountered this bug I was flying a spaceplane only made of stock parts. Vessel mass matters a lot for a spaceplane, especially if you only have panther engines. So a command seat stowed into a 1,25m service bay seemed the best solution for a rescue mission. Naturally I saved the game when the stranded kerbal got aboard. Can't remember what made me load it, but when I was about to land at Kerbin I noticed that the fore gear is skewed about 30 degrees aside.

    A similar thing happened to a flying rover when I decided to take an engineer along for an orbital mission - the wheels got all screwed up.

    Both the spaceplane and the rover are included in the following footage. The bug conditions are simulated 2 times for each vessel.

    If anyone has an idea what might have caused this, please tell.


    UPD: The parts get back to normal after going to space center and then back to the vessel. Which makes this bug a lot less critical

  6. On 06.07.2017 at 5:48 AM, IgorZ said:

    Can you make a video to demonstrate it? In my tries it works as expected, and you cannot attach or detach anything without a tool.

    Here you go. In the beginning it shows how anyone could attach a pylon with bare hands, then it demonstates what happens when it's attached in this manner and in the end - what happens when it's attached properly with a screwdriver.


  7. 1 hour ago, Krakatoa said:

    Well avast, cause at first it sounded like me at first when I didn't get how to do all the things. I'll say Minmus gives me issues whenever I try to attach things to it. I'll be watching the thread as well to see if anyone else has an idea to help.

    Soz, my sleepless head of last night produced a riddle instead of a normal post) That's actually the case - I've never constructed surface outposts before. So I don't know exactly how are these grounding parts supposed to work. Thought, they'd be somewhat similar to launch stability enhancers - whatever's attached, it goes nowhere even the God tries to rip it off the ground.

    Say comrade, on other celestials than Minmus, have you ever managed to firmly ground any massive parts by attaching them to pylons directly? I noticed they work better if you attach parts via ports and pipes - the structure doesn't get flipped by a single kerbal anymore.

  8. 5 hours ago, Krakatoa said:

    Electric Screwdriver?  Not the SEP manual screwdriver. It's an actual hand-held thing that the kerbal needs to have in their inventory, then right click- equip it so you can fasten things.

    Yep. Model E-SD80 to be precise. As you can see on the screenshot Bill has it equipped and it says 'detach from the ground' when I hover the cursor over the pylon while holding 'H'. That kind of suggests that it's attached. What I was trying to say is that the same result could be achieved if Jeb or anyone else would be attaching the pylon with bare hands.



    And here's the collision test result.




  9. Hello everyone.

    I have some issues with the ground pylon. According to description this part can attached to the ground with a screwdriver or a wrench. But in fact any of my kerbals appears to have an option to do that - I hold 'H', a screwdriver symbol appears, then the buzzing sound comes through even though Jeb didn't even have any tools in his inventory. Then he can pick it up with bare hands as if nothing's been attached.Engineer or pilot, with or without a tool - the ground attachment procedure looks the same and the empty Rockomax X200-32 fuel tank attached to the pylon attached (supposedly) to the ground gets flipped over after the first collision with one little kerbal on EVA jetpack. Is it that I'm missing something or expect too much from a ground pylon or could that be a bug?

  10. On 20.12.2015 at 10:34 PM, katateochi said:

    Thanks for these props, I didn't know I needed them until now!!

    One little issue I noticed (haven't done further tests though), but it appeared I couldn't equip sunglasses on Valentina.

    You know why she looks so sad there? She can't equip any headpiece at all(Reading thread actually helped, shutting up now.

    Would be cool if those headpieces were wearable in IVA as well. So Jeb could bling those shades riding something bigger than a jetpack. But then there's the external command seat...

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