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Everything posted by langer

  1. One more thing. The mod seems doing a lot of calculation when not launching (e.g. staying on the surface), which causes a lot of CPU usage and some game lagging.
  2. Hi @Overengineer1, I like this mod very much. After a few days testing, I found a few bugs. One is the sorting function will put a failed launch in front of a successful launch. I believe it's because in the LaunchDB.betterthan function, You should add if (other.LaunchSuccess && !LaunchSuccess) return 1; after Line 46, and add the reverse version of line 43 and 44 too. This bug is causing the previous best settings button not functioning correctly. The second bug is when saving the launch results to the file, if the StartSpeed and TurnAngle are the same with one of the previous launches, it overwrites that entry. This can cause problems. For example, If I use previous best settings to launch to a different orbit, and the new launch has more total loss, in future launches the use previous best settings button to launch to the original orbit will not give the true best settings because it's overwritten. Also, the initial guess for 1.25m rockets seems to have too large TurnAngle. It causes a lot of wobbling. Decrease the TurnAngle and StartSpeed together will make the launch a lot better. The improve guess button sometimes gives weird results. I once get a negative TurnAngle. Set upper and lower limits for these parameters may be a good idea. Finally, there is some rooms to improve the improve guess. Currently if the improve guessed launch is worse than the second best launch, the next time you hit the button it still give the same guess, which has been proved to be worse. Hope these will make your mod better
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