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  1. I think I may have come across another bug, in combination with Kerbal Construction Time. If you do a simulation, and start in orbit around (at least) Kerbin. It gives you the bonus for the Massive Scale Launches I strategy. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3069580/KSP_MassiveLaunchesBug.log
  2. Here you go: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3069580/KSP.log I switched to two additional ships as well.
  3. I'm running Strategia 1.1.1 and I think I've found a bug in the Pilot Focus III strategy. Namely it's massively increasing the specific impulse of all my engines, and much more than listed. I first noticed this when my delta-V suddenly shot up 50% and my first stage twin boosters got my rocket to 220 km by themselves. :-) For instance, the Mainsail on one of my probe rockets lists a Specific Impulse of 515.0s with Pilot Focus III on, but when I cancel that strategy, it goes back to the normal 310.0s.
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