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2 Neutral
  1. Loving the stockalike feel of this mod! Personally I'd say that the Sentinel Telescope should cover biome scanning and resource scanning, as current space based prospecting technologies use infrared imaging instead of radar. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/ASTERProspecting/ Unfortunately, that would leave the M700 with no purpose, unless it would be possible to add a custom resource map for altimetry (which wouldn't be minable) for each celestial body. As for the narrowband scanner? I'd say it's fine as it is.
  2. I do remember this video. While I agree that this can be useful for predicting flinging things, it is not the behiavour that orbital trajectories would be expected to exhibit. The fact that it breaks autopilot when tangenital velocity is not negligible in comparison to the oribtal velocity is definitely a bug. I would suggest that physical trajectories are always taken from CoM, and that displayed trajectiories can be shown from CoM trajectory command point instantanous trajectory as a toggle.
  3. Seeing as Kerbal Ships are a set of masses on semi-rigid joints, the following applies quite specifically to our case: However the predicted trajectory of a craft seems to change when the craft is rotating. When around Gilly, this effect is pronounced enough to show an escape trajectory where there is none. Note how the prograde and retrograde aligment functions are unable to align due to fluctuating orbital patterns. I used a probe where the probe core is far from the CoM to further amplify the effect. So I believe that the predicted trajectory is not showing the Center of Mass trajectory, but instead it shows the probe core's current trajectory if it were not attached to anything else. The game even thinks that the ship is under acceleration while it is rotating.
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